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nightcrawleress t1_j5ajh06 wrote

The ones at the front? There's a lightning effect, they're actually white and, if my quick research are correct, are Renoncule à feuilles d'aconite (idk in english)


Quetzalbroatlus t1_j5b0xz3 wrote

They look similar and I'm sure the family is correct but the petal count is completely different


CallingDoctorBear t1_j5bp4ej wrote

I also thought they might be alpine anemones/Pulsatille des alpes (Pulsatilla alpina). Do they generally have lower number of petals, or lose them together? I ask because there are many photos of them seemingly with similar and varying numbers of petals


Quetzalbroatlus t1_j5bpwoq wrote

Those look incredibly close. I'd be willing to bet it's that species, or maybe one very closely related.


nightcrawleress t1_j5b3kuu wrote

Oh you're right! I thought about color and leaves shape and blindsided myself lol


Parralyzed t1_j5cvd51 wrote

>There's a lightning effect, they're actually white

Oh no not this again


Razorfiend t1_j5d9rob wrote

I was about to say, those are clearly white, and then I remembered the dress.