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gonzo8927 t1_j6rvlx2 wrote

Perfect place for an evil lair


doughnutholio t1_j6tjdy4 wrote


justcougit t1_j6tymqw wrote

God that must smell so gross. It's so creepy they do that.


AndreasBerthou t1_j6uh0lz wrote

So creepy to hunt food.


gravy_boot t1_j6v8ceu wrote


AndreasBerthou t1_j6vaa45 wrote

Yes that one incident was heavily frowned upon on the Faroe Islands too, and is seperate from the picture I responded to. The normal Grindadráp is a controlled hunt, just like fishing.


gravy_boot t1_j6vizqg wrote

> just like fishing

Ah yes, just like fishing, where, traditionally, a network of radio and sonar-enabled motorboats communicate to trap and drive an entire pod of terrified self-aware dolphins everyday dumbass fish into the shallows where they watch for 20 minutes, through a thickening fog of their family’s blood as their kin are slaughtered before finally being dragged ashore to receive their poorly served hacks to the spine.

Just like my grandfather taught me as a lad.


AndreasBerthou t1_j6vkvb7 wrote

They're a herd animal, so it's either kill the pod or none. They're killed pretty much instantly as the people doing it knows what they're doing. I don't see how this is any different than fishing (which you can also paint to be some brutal suffocation of fish due to keeping them above water, but doesn't change the fact that it's a way of gathering food).

So please, without using pathos: Explain to me how this is barbaric and vile, since you're clearly an expert after 10 minutes of Wikipedia browsing and a handful of Sea Shepherd videos.


gravy_boot t1_j6vo23b wrote

> They’re a herd animal, so it’s either kill the pod or none.

People hunted herd animals without slaughtering the herd for thousands of years prior to this. You just might have to actually work at it and respect the animal, rather than lazily taking full advantage of the odds forever in your favor.

> They’re killed pretty much instantly as the people doing it knows what they’re doing.

Sure pal. And they didn’t even see it coming.

> I don’t see how this is any different than fishing (which you can also paint to be some brutal suffocation of fish due to keeping them above water, but doesn’t change the fact that

It’s different because they are self aware and have complex family and social structures. You don’t see the difference because you don’t want to.

> it’s a way of gathering food).

A lazy, cowardly way to gather food in 2023.

> So please, without using pathos: Explain to me how this is barbaric and vile, since you’re clearly an expert after 10 minutes of Wikipedia browsing and a handful of Sea Shepherd videos.

It’s barbaric because it’s done despite full knowledge that it’s cruel and unnecessary. The sooner these people accept reality the sooner they can move past it together.


46_notso_easy t1_j6vtb4x wrote

I’ll add to that: there is literally no context in which killing such intelligent animals — especially ones who are critical to endangered ecosystems or are endangered themselves — is ever really justifiable in 2023. Fuck whale and dolphin hunting in its entirety.


Str0ngTr33 t1_j6x24q3 wrote

This commenter better be 110% vegan. Like , 'doesn't eat honey because beekeeping is slavery' vegan.


46_notso_easy t1_j6x3eca wrote

And why is that? There are many reasons to be against dolphin and whale slaughter, some aligning with veganism and some not.

Trying to indict me by putting my own eating habits on trial is a weak distraction. Any answer I give will result in either ”Of course, a vegan is going to be holier than thou about killing whales!” or ”So you want to protect whales, but I assume you still eat <insert animal>?”

Saying it again slowly for the contrarian chuds: there is nothing defensible about killing such intelligent animals who play such a broad and critical role in a rapidly dying ecosystem.


Str0ngTr33 t1_j7haa05 wrote

But... bees match that description


46_notso_easy t1_j7heh1q wrote

You really didn’t read my comment, did you?

I happen to be a vegan anyway, so it’s not like this is some sort of “gotcha” moment against me.


Cookiemonster6691 t1_j6w1qs2 wrote

They used to herd the pods in wooden paddle boats over 100 years ago trying to go to another part of the world and trying to change their way of life is like someone going to your house and changing the way you live they only do it like once every 5-10 years and none of the food is wasted and is frozen and spread out between all the people on the island. What do you think happens to the food you buy at the grocery store? You think chicken beef pork and all the other fish are read bed time stories then magically end up in small packets of meat? Go check out how slaughter houses work much much worst and inhumane.


gravy_boot t1_j6w2eui wrote

It’s not their way of life, it’s just a leftover utility that used to make sense but doesn’t anymore, and they’re too proud or stubborn to deal with it.

If your entire argument hinges on pointing at other bad things to make yourself look less bad in comparison, you need a new argument.


Cookiemonster6691 t1_j756u3h wrote

So wasting tons of gas for ships to import food and pollute the waters from outside the country just to make a few redditors and crybaby’s happy is the right way? They feed themselves from what’s natural around their islands that includes pod whales and puffins they don’t have to work for money to eat instead they all share the food or hunt for their own there’s no homelessness or people starving to death because of the way they live they are also not over fishing or over hunting any of their resources they are a small island with a small community that all lives off their natural resources. So again they’re supposed to change their way of life and make there country a capitalist country and have to work for money to buy and live a lifestyle like ours? Just because there’s a bunch of crybaby’s in the world who will cry about everything but will do nothing to help them.


Regular-Leave t1_j6w47ji wrote

This is a horrific thing to do and you are a shitty person for defending it


no-kooks t1_j6vfdfx wrote

Frowned upon getting caught?


AndreasBerthou t1_j6vhb6r wrote

Frowned upon doing. It's really not that deep.


no-kooks t1_j6vix6z wrote

I just find it interesting that the one time it was intensively documented just happened to also be the time it was frowned upon.


AndreasBerthou t1_j6vk198 wrote

The one time? The whole Grindadráp is documented extensively for like a century, it's extremely controlled and non-commercial. When some idiots got greedy and went on to hunt a dolphin herd they were shunted for it. I don't see what's not to understand here.


no-kooks t1_j6vlfze wrote

Drawing an arbitrary line beyond which a behavior is considered “reprehensible” by its practitioners can serve to legitimatize the general behavior by creating a pretense of ethical boundaries, such as when even the SS generals were “sickened” by the medical experiments carried out by the Japanese, or how the Mad Hatter would never do something crazy like put mustard on a broken watch but lemon was different.


AndreasBerthou t1_j6vnmo6 wrote

You clearly have no intentions in expanding your pov about this beyond one story that was scandalised locally to try and see the hows and whys from the locals pov, so I'll let you make your nazi-comparisons in peace.


no-kooks t1_j6vojmb wrote

I have no intention of expanding my pov about whale slaughter in the 21st century, and the rest of the world is in nearly-unanimous agreement.


kelryngrey t1_j6whjt4 wrote

It looks gross and that upsets people.

Factory farming is absolutely horrific but most of the same people appalled by this still eat meat. Pigs and cows are very smart (pigs may be smarter than dolphins) but we don't seem to mind farming them because the squalor and suffering is out of sight. Whales and dolphins that live better lives being hunted seems awful because we can see it.


Str0ngTr33 t1_j6x1uoj wrote

That's just it... corporations come in and exploit these traditions on an industrial scale. Don't blame insular communities for finding ways to eat. Blame the companies that turn those traditions into unsustainable cash grabs.


AndreasBerthou t1_j6x2j0m wrote

But it's exactly not exploited as a cash grab. It's non-commercial and highly regulated by the state to keep it sustainable and non-profit so as to keep with the original intent.

Hence why you see the individuals doing that one being shunted.


magiclasso t1_j6uvqq5 wrote

So if they eat humans its okay or is your comment just really stupid?


AndreasBerthou t1_j6uxree wrote

So eating humans and eating animals is comparable now or? That's a strawman if I've ever seen one.


no-kooks t1_j6vf8i7 wrote

Dolphins are smarter than humans, so it is a strawman but in the other direction. Compare for yourself, the cerebral folds don’t lie:


AndreasBerthou t1_j6vhiyx wrote

And aren't pigs the same intelligence as a toddler? I don't see you saying killing pigs is comparable to slaughtering toddlers.

Humans hunt animals for food.


no-kooks t1_j6vklcm wrote

We’re talking about dolphins being of super-human intelligence, and you bring up pigs, granting that they are of sub-human intelligence, and claim parity? You, my friend, could not have devised a more classical example of a strawman if you tried.

“Animal” is an arbitrary, anthropocentric philosophical distinction unless you mean animals in the biological sense, in which case humans are included.


AndreasBerthou t1_j6vlwth wrote

I was merely mentioning the fact that pigs are found to be the same intelligence levels as toddlers. So since pigs (and by extention toddlers) are clearly sub-human intelligence, what's the stance on killing them? Your argument was based on intelligence level being the deciding factor in what's allowed to be killed.

The right to kill something isn't determined by the hunter's or the hunted's brain development, it's something decided by humans (as morbid as it is).


no-kooks t1_j6vnt37 wrote

Actually, my argument was merely that you were correct in your declaration of “strawman” with regard to killing humans and killing dolphins being comparable, but in the opposite direction. All this other stuff like “stance” and “right” and “allowed” and “morbid” is projection coming entirely from you. I would venture perhaps you have a guilty conscience.


magiclasso t1_j6vq7ib wrote

You presented hunting for food as an absolute defense. Not a strawman at all. Maybe try to expand on your incredibly shallow thinking.


maddinho t1_j6s8x36 wrote

Haha, I was about to comment the same.


ninthtale t1_j6uie5n wrote

logistics costs will be more than the rent


f0k4ppl3 t1_j6sqfez wrote

At the very top of the tallest isle there’s a chest that will spawn any of ten different Legendary items at random. Thing is that you gotta equip the entire Parkour armor set, have double jump with air dash and obtain the Rosicrucian Grapple to get up there.


GarlicMayosaurus t1_j6tnfew wrote

Alternatively you can just get a horse, then ride up. Doesn’t matter which side.


f0k4ppl3 t1_j6wzahf wrote

Hold up a minute. You telling me I could have just called up the horse all along?

Stupid walkthrough guides.


Seisouhen t1_j6t2a9s wrote

How strong must the wind be for it to carve the rocks like that?


CanadianJogger t1_j6tzhna wrote

That slope? Looks like glacial erosion to me, and water isolated bits and made the verticals.


DickieMcHamhox t1_j6uzspz wrote

Funny, I was thinking caldera.


WhyteBeard t1_j6vf9u9 wrote

Was also thinking caldera, looks like volcanic formations.


CanadianJogger t1_j6vp2ha wrote

Nod, the composition looks volcanic, and the islands were formed that way, though 54 million years ago. Found this:

>Meanwhile, the majority of the Faroe–Rockall Plateau has subsided beneath sea level while erosive forces–especially during the last few million years of alternating glacial and interglacial periods–have sculpted the landscape into their present-day shape.


adb1146 t1_j6thfm2 wrote

Is this one of the islands accessible by tunnel?


mars20 t1_j6tt1r9 wrote

Yes - well, the large one is connected by tunnel to the main island. Actually the airport is on this island. The non visible parts of it have quite a bit of flat surface.


adb1146 t1_j6uyajn wrote

Amazing. So badly want to visit. It’s just a PTA to get there from the US.


LebronsOkay7 t1_j6t6g3b wrote

Drone or helicopter u/andrija_ilic_images ?

I love this either way.


ralphsquirrel t1_j6uqerp wrote

Probably a drone. I flew at this spot and so did the Spanish tourists I hiked in with. This spot is called Drangarnir and it is one of the most famous places in the Faroe Islands. It's even printed on their dollar bills!


heyhihay t1_j6rvefg wrote

So, a garage for your ship, then?


DayManRoyale t1_j6u1jpu wrote

Don’t they go through here in Vinland Saga


ralphsquirrel t1_j6uq8i2 wrote

If I recall correctly they go to Streymoy, an island just west of this one (Vagar).


echtav t1_j6syvpe wrote

Ken block would totally drift that bank. RIP Ken


jeffe35 t1_j6vsz9g wrote

I watched a travel/ food series on YouTube that covers the Faroe Islands on best ever food review show ever. It's definitely worth the watch


J90lude t1_j6u2zbh wrote

Just an all around great shot.


OstrichMeniscus t1_j6tub9u wrote

Is this the terminus of a moraine from an ice sheet?


brfergua t1_j6v5byk wrote

These islands have always seemed like one of the most mysterious places on earth.


dgrant92 t1_j6v9eel wrote

Where you can go skiing and scuba diving same trip down


yew0tm8 t1_j6vasve wrote

Not enough Jpeg.


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toastibot t1_j6t1ea0 wrote

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TheDevilsAdvokaat t1_j6u0v7a wrote

I wonder if this place was ever the source of tsunami ...


cpickle63 t1_j6u345j wrote

Wow! wish I was there…


tetsurose t1_j6u5f8b wrote

I'm just glad Jabun got away before Ganon attacked


SilentDecode t1_j6ucq50 wrote

Beautiful shot, but I'm sad about the resolution.

If it were bigger, I would have a great background. Now I can't have that, because I don't like grainy/zoomed in pictures.


TheCompleteMental t1_j6udiff wrote

I bet someone with a katana is responsible for this


sewerwater t1_j6umpvj wrote

That would be the perfect place for a Walmart


hedgerow_hank t1_j6urpqo wrote

This island/old crater has seen some shit.


BHop96th t1_j6vau15 wrote

Great slope for boardsports


SamSiro t1_j6vf5ld wrote

Hisuian Avalugg


No_Cellist_6811 t1_j6vgoja wrote

It’s a shame that Roku’s temple no longer stands on the island


slucker23 t1_j6vsyy4 wrote

It looks like some super beings fought and essentially cut through the mountains and voila we have this


FondDon t1_j6t8ygs wrote

I think the rock formation at the bottom is called “The Giant and The Witch” it’s my desktop wallpaper.


gyratinggeese t1_j6tg9m1 wrote

I believe this is actually called Drangarnir. You can get to the view point for this by a not terribly long hike from Sorvagur which is the town closest to the airport you'd land at to get to the Faroe Islands! All sorts of sheep coat the hills as you do most of your hikes on the Faroe Islands


AndreasBerthou t1_j6uhinh wrote

You would be very correct!

Source: have family house in Sørvágur.


FondDon t1_j6wvzcb wrote

Oh my bad.. It looks quite similar to the giant and the witch, either way it’s an amazing picture.


TehMowat t1_j6usb2f wrote

This must have been taken right before they slaughtered that pod of pilot whales....


GoopyPegasus t1_j9cfk89 wrote

And where do you think your meat comes from? The grocery store?