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e5jhl t1_j6y0sr0 wrote

where is this from and how does it look unedited? do we have access to that v ersion too?


Lawinska t1_j6ypdp4 wrote

Yeah I would love to see the real colors too !


CIBC_official t1_j70cggh wrote

I haven't been here, but under the right lighting conditions and the right kinds of rocks and algae, these could be true or near-true colours.

I've seen similarly wild colour combinations right out of the camera doing landscape photography over the years.


vitoresteves OP t1_j75wwy5 wrote

Indeed! This one just have some slight adjustments form the original colors captured at sunset


vitoresteves OP t1_j75wvbj wrote

It’s was taken at sunset and the colors are not far from the unedited version. Only lighted up a bit the sand on the beach and increased the contrast on the cliffs to pop up the textures. The sea it’s exactly that color, only the edges for a bit darker to bring the attention to the middle of the photo