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GPQ70 t1_j6z10e0 wrote

TIL Arizona has creeks. This photo made me take a deep cleansing breath.


ShexyBaish6351 OP t1_j6z1w9j wrote

I thought it was wall-to-wall desert until I moved here... there are even places you can ski in the winter, believe it or not.


rataculera t1_j6zodtw wrote

There are creeks close to Phoenix - Queen creek, Cave Creek, Fossil Creek. The queen creek source in superior AZ is a beautiful hike with great bird watching perches


ThatOneGuyYearn t1_j70pq6d wrote

Beware of the creek in Queen Creek. Tons of rattle snakes there


Schister66 t1_j72197z wrote

I've lived in QC for 2 years now...never seen a single rattlesnake and I've hiked all over the place


Whydmer t1_j6zsfwa wrote

Yeah it does, though I was driving with my dad across country from Arizona once and we were like what is up with these rivers, they have water in them.


PugPockets t1_j70wfki wrote

What do you think is at the bottom of the Grand Canyon??


GPQ70 t1_j71fgg6 wrote

I have absolutely no idea beyond my best guess of rocks and dirt.


PugPockets t1_j72x2lb wrote

Haha it’s the Colorado River - that’s what formed the canyon in the first place.