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7LeagueBoots t1_j74q7kc wrote

That whole region is spectacular.

Back in 2005 I spent most of the year between the Andes and the Amazon.

Didn’t get to Huayhuash, but did some hiking around Lagunas de Llanganuco, and a few other areas in the region.

Definitely recommend it.


Toxicseagull t1_j74tp40 wrote

It's definitely worth a decade of saying "yeah I've been to I haven't been on the Inca trail" lol


7LeagueBoots t1_j74urwz wrote

I did a lot of other extremely cool and far less common stuff than the Inca Trail, although I did hike parts of that too, further north near Chachapoyas and Kuelap.

There is a lot to do and see in the region and I was working in Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia, mainly in rural or remote areas so I had a good opportunity to experience some interesting things.