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Foxbat100 t1_j72fxjk wrote

Huayhuash right? So on my bucket list.


andrewrimanic OP t1_j732pse wrote

Yep, one of many incredible spots on the Huayhuash trail


KateCrash87 t1_j73wk0m wrote

Yes, beautiful trek


Toxicseagull t1_j73wzba wrote

I went 13 years ago with a cheap point and click camera so it's lovely seeing it pop up occasionally with much better cameras. Recognised this shot instantly.


7LeagueBoots t1_j74q7kc wrote

That whole region is spectacular.

Back in 2005 I spent most of the year between the Andes and the Amazon.

Didn’t get to Huayhuash, but did some hiking around Lagunas de Llanganuco, and a few other areas in the region.

Definitely recommend it.


Toxicseagull t1_j74tp40 wrote

It's definitely worth a decade of saying "yeah I've been to I haven't been on the Inca trail" lol


7LeagueBoots t1_j74urwz wrote

I did a lot of other extremely cool and far less common stuff than the Inca Trail, although I did hike parts of that too, further north near Chachapoyas and Kuelap.

There is a lot to do and see in the region and I was working in Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia, mainly in rural or remote areas so I had a good opportunity to experience some interesting things.


colaroga t1_j74uf77 wrote

I highly recommend a DSLR or mirrorless camera if you do again. The dynamic range of the landscapes exceeds the capabilities of my D750 haha


WildlifePhysics t1_j72q88q wrote

When all is settled in Peru, looking forward to being there


andrewrimanic OP t1_j732vxm wrote

It's a beautiful country full of wonderful people. I highly recommend visiting once things settle down


Icydawgfish t1_j73e1jo wrote

What’s happening in Peru?


Ecualung t1_j73f2jw wrote

Massive political unrest.


Icydawgfish t1_j73f5rc wrote

Can you explain more? Genuinely curious


_MANSAV_ t1_j73xsu8 wrote

I'm sure I have some details wrong, but this is the gist according to my Peruvian wife and her family.

The old president, Pedro Castillo, tried to get rid of the current congress. This is a power that the president of Peru has, but they obviously need support of the military and other government entities to actually give the action the weight that it requires. Unfortunately for Castillo, the congress can also impeach him, which they did saying he was corrupt. The military supported the decision of congress, so Castillo was out. He tried to flee the country as is typical in a failed coup (if you want to call it that), and he was imprisoned.

Although the process is totally legal, the people are mad because of who is in charge of the government now, the new, unelected, president does not share the same views as Castillo, I forget her name. Just like most countries, they have the right wing and the left wing. Castillo represented the left wing saying he would look after the people. It seems that he was corrupt and totally self-serving, (as is common in governments, especially in South America).

The right wing is the typical right-wing party wanting to give a lot of power to businesses (for the kickbacks, it would seem). One example is that they want to give companies the rights to mine on indigenous, protected, land. There are many more examples, but the people don't feel represented, and want special elections. So far, it's heating up, they have closed some main roads to get around the country, and places like Machu Pichu are closed for the time being. This is a major blow to the economy of the already struggling country. The protests started in far away provinces and towns, but have spread into the capital city of Lima. The government is trying to quell the protests to the point that they have started using physical violence to get the people in order and have killed some protestors and bystanders. This naturally causes the unrest to grow.

There is even rumors that Chile and Bolivia are looking to capitalize on the unrest and claim southern Peruvian territory, which wouldn't be the first time. It's a mess.

TLDR: Its a mess because of a change of political power.


diego7319 t1_j74emtn wrote

  1. Castillo is corrupt, the fiscal of the nation has more than 4 cases against him, plus a lot more against people he was surrounded by.
  2. To be able to close the congress, he needed some requirements. He didn't have it, so it was unconstitutional and of course, ILEGAL. He is capture because of it. 3)when you vote for a president, you vote for him and 2 other vicepresidents. So when someone voted for him, it was also voting for the current president who was his vicepresident.
  3. Leftist want to change the current constitution, when you ask them what they want to change. They don't know.
  4. most of the protests in Lima are made by people who came from other cities. 6)The protests are supported by Evo morales, he was giving speeches in some of the cities where the hardest protests were happening. 7)People from Bolivia has been detained in the protests.
  5. The police is not acting fair in the protests, some people have been killed by bullets and there has been a lot of abuses.
  6. Protests are for changing the constitution and new elections. 8)The congress wants to stay until the end of the normal cycle(almost 3 more years)

diego7319 t1_j74eqmv wrote

On average he was changing one minister every week mostly because of corruption.


colaroga t1_j74uqk2 wrote

Ever since December 8 2022, lots of roads and airports were closed due to political demonstrations in southern cities. Some of it has been cleared, but it's resumed in Lima - my friend arrived there one week ago and the roads across the mountains were shut down again, and buses weren't running. They had to take car rides along the back roads which took longer. I recall hearing more than once that Machu Picchu was closed and tourists were stranded as a result. The other comments describe the why and how, but getting around certain parts of Peru are somewhat difficult at the moment.


spudsnacker t1_j73a179 wrote

I was supposed to be there last month, but the company travel agent nixed that one. I’m disappointed, but I think it was a good call


Beachjustice22 t1_j755g6s wrote

I'm actually supposed to do Huayhuash end of May and really hoping we don't have to cancel


darkbeasley t1_j75gpu0 wrote

My wife's family is Peruvian and we just got married right in the sacred valley before all of this. So lucky we decided to get married last year instead of this year!


WheelsOnFire_ t1_j71mz5k wrote

Gorgeous! I want to go there and just be for a while.


PCDJ t1_j73k2u9 wrote

Beautiful. My trek through Peru will stay with me for my whole life. Truly amazing, and inspiring, terrain.


andrewrimanic OP t1_j73pgkk wrote

Without a doubt, Peru has some of the most incredible landscapes in the world. The variety is stunning


unsteadied t1_j7560be wrote

Doing Salkantay with four friends and camping and cooking equipment instead of with a tour group was one of the single greatest things I’ve ever done in my life.


SagariKatu t1_j71rmhm wrote

Gorgeous! What's the name.of the lake? Or of the closest peaks?


Dave10j t1_j728wj7 wrote

Looks to be on the way up to Siula Pass when doing the Cordillera Huayhuash trek. I did it 4 years ago and it's definitely worth the visit.


andrewrimanic OP t1_j73396r wrote

I can't remember the names of the lakes but the location is called Mirador Tres Lagunas in the Cordillera Huayhuash. Someone else mentioned that this is the Siula Pass and I think they are correct


SurferJeff t1_j72hezj wrote

It’s probably Huascaran National Park, there’s a town called Chacas a little bit down the road from the peak and the three lakes


mylarky t1_j71y0j6 wrote

That could be up near huaytapallana


laxvolley t1_j7360j6 wrote

hey, I see some moraines! That reminds me of somewhere but I can't quite think of the place


andrewrimanic OP t1_j738bfr wrote

Can't think of any other lakes with moraines. Certainly none in Canada


magma6 t1_j73gjus wrote

I don't see and Peruvians bands or Guinea pigs, shame


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toastibot t1_j72ojvw wrote

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TrollGoo t1_j7331mk wrote

I like it to be the next map release for Ark Survival.


Axt_ t1_j73hp8g wrote

/r/redditlake... Oh no it isn't


cpu5555 t1_j73z0mo wrote

I love the dramatic tones.


mal_laney t1_j740uzz wrote

Is it allowed or safe to swim in these lakes? They're so blue!


neatorneatoburrito t1_j742tou wrote

Kind've looks like a lake that the sword of Gryffindor would be at the bottom of ...


herron64710 t1_j74sme7 wrote

Hey look. It's 10 miles west of Boston


colaroga t1_j74u2ms wrote

Beautiful! Reminds me of my trip to the Cordillera Blanca in 2019 where I visited Llanganuco, Yungay and Pastoruri as well as the jungle region. After 8 trips to Peru I still want to go back for more!


jacksonite22 t1_j75h1b8 wrote

I’ve been lucky enough to see this in person. Huayhuash is incredible


k4kev t1_j75rz1w wrote

Man. Every glacier everywhere is retreating. Earth is beautiful and breathes through climates of cold and hot, it's just wild to watch it happen so fast, and in our lifetime. Amazing mountains though, hope to see them one day


Rivian_TrampM9 t1_j764qzk wrote

Beautiful scenery, specially with the glacial lakes surrounding the ice capped mountains.


hkbreezy8 t1_j76duaf wrote

I'd like a glass of that water