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concussive t1_j9tk0mf wrote

I’m surprised no one is mentioning that the falls is mostly dried up now and they use a pipe to pump water to the top for a tiny trickle of a waterfall. The pipe used to be covered by some fake rock wall but has begun falling off in recent years and no one cares enough to repair it.

It’s a real shame because it used to be such a cool experience as a kid but now when you get to the end you see the fake walls dangling off and an expose pipe. It’s turned into a really bad tourist trap in recent years.


randomguide t1_j9uxflo wrote

It's a shame because it's such a neat place to make beautiful caves and a natural underground waterfall reasonably accessible* for people who aren't able or willing to go full on spelunking.

The pipes are there as backup for when there hasn't been much rain. (Or at least they were when they were first installed.) When we're in drought, they don't want to tell the tourists "the falls are dried up today, but the caves are still really cool!"

But when we've had tons of rain they have to close due to flooding. I've been there when we've had a lot of rain and the falls are absolutely gushing and the floor is getting quite wet and you start remembering just how far the walk back to the elevator is...

Also the caves really are cool.

*not disability accessible. Lots of uneven steps and wet ground.