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Logical-Coconut7490 t1_j9z8h5t wrote

Those aren't grapes. They're the Oak trees that are Slashed and destroyed so grapes can be planted.

Yes, wine destroys native forests !

Guilt free wine ???


WholelottaLuv t1_j9zrxe8 wrote

Nowadays oaks are protected and state law mitigation requires planting 4x or more nearby for any removals


Logical-Coconut7490 t1_j9zt4ko wrote

Where ? In Mendocino they allowed 5 acres of forest to be cut for grapes.

So the corporations. Bought up hundreds of adjoining 5 acres plots. Then Clear Cut them for Wine grapes.

Home owners can also grow, so many bought their 5 acres, cleared it and planted grapes. After a few years so many grape growers brought the Price of Grapes down so low it was no longer profitable...


festive_squirrel OP t1_j9zkhxd wrote

I love this comment


burnerowl t1_ja15dkx wrote

Love how someone is bitching about Sonoma and Mendocino vineyards, on a picture of actual central coast fields. Like 😂 Someone has their geography mixed up; and this picture is lit! That little stretch of 135 will always be a sentimental place for me.


the-grand-falloon t1_ja0l57v wrote

Most of the good vineyard land was largely cleared for cattle ranching 150 years ago anyway. As someone who lives smack-dab in the middle of foothill wine country, most of these places aren't planting every square inch. Gotta keep that idyllic, rustic look for the Bay Area tourists.


freerangetacos t1_ja2mjw4 wrote

Little known fact is that local governments restrict grape growers on where they can plant, based on water use and how much they sculpt the land. While opportunistic, growers are also seriously handcuffed.


Logical-Coconut7490 t1_ja0tt7a wrote

I watched it happen in the 90's in Mendocino and Sonoma.

I grew up in the Foothills from the 60's. Watched all the Flatlanders move up from LA and Sf. Watched the vineyards move in.


Logical-Coconut7490 t1_j9zsdvz wrote

How sad ! Y'all down voting the Truth of where wine comes from.

I've seen thousands of acres of Oak and Redwood forests Clear Cut and Animal Habitat destroyed...

Raping the Earth, So Wine Snobs can get drunk !
