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wpnw t1_j82t81z wrote

FYI, the landowner has closed off public access to this spot now. Too many people getting into trouble and / or causing problems there.


essdoubleU t1_j85px29 wrote

What a shame that something like this is privately owned.


poplafuse t1_j85wjq9 wrote

Doubt it would look this way if it were public


essdoubleU t1_j865kr8 wrote

I mean I was hoping it would be a state park or something where it's preserved and maintained. A private owner can choose to do whatever they want with the land.


wpnw t1_j87jvrc wrote

Its more or less preserved, the landowner is a timber company, but it's not under threat of being logged because it's way too steep to actually get in there and cut (and they're required by state law to maintain a 500 foot buffer along the river). It's more an issue of public visitation causing liability issues than anything else.


essdoubleU t1_j87pp4r wrote

I get what you're saying but just the fact that it's owned by a Timber company doesn't make me feel better lol


partiallycylon t1_j881twi wrote

Came here to say this. Very disappointing for sure. Glad I saw it in the snow last year before this happened.


Blackxsunshine t1_j84fwzy wrote

Time to ford the river and spite them lol


FaolanG t1_j84lduc wrote

The person who did this is cool and did it because people were trashing the area and didn’t know what they were getting into with the surges in the river and the deep, fast moving water. Scenes like this are common on the Little White Salmon and the Gorge in general so there is no need to disrespect the people who live here or endanger yourself by trespassing.

The Gorge scenic area offers many parks and places for incredible views, all we ask is that you don’t leave trash, respect our home, and are kind to those you come in contact with.

Source: I live less than two miles from this river and am originally from The Gorge/ Southern WA. We love people enjoying our home in a respectful, conservation focused manner.


hendangler t1_j85wd73 wrote

I kayak here every once in a while and it has been really sad to see the degradation of such an incredible place. As much I love seeing pictures of spirit, I’m glad the land owner cut off hike in access :/


FaolanG t1_j85xbt6 wrote

It sad that it’s becoming that way with a lot of places around here. I wish folks would focus on no impact more.


BiggC t1_j84y80x wrote

You can still get there by becoming an extremely capable whitewater kayaker and paddling to/over the falls