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struggleingwithnames t1_j8aq57q wrote

Love this photo but beginning of Februar is usually still in the midst of winter. Global warming and warmer weather obviously has an impact on that but I think you could have loads of snow within 2 weeks.


bookweiser t1_j8bwr7h wrote

Also, would like to know which corner of southern Germany. In ours we still have a bit of snow.


Picklesadog t1_j8c9jf2 wrote

The tropical corner.


glefe t1_j8clgfz wrote

Freiburg wants to speak to your manager.


ttubbster t1_j8cxhyz wrote

Lots of spring flowers already blooming here in Freiburg! Still lots of snow at higher elevations though.


glefe t1_j8dpc17 wrote

Northern Germany has neither.


BigXris t1_j8ctl6n wrote

Was just remembering trudging through snow on Saturday in B-W and wondering what southern corner this was.


MachKeinDramaLlama t1_j8c17va wrote

Yep, this has been a big issue for orchards here in Germany for a number of years now. The buds freeze and die off instead of being fertilized, meaning that the trees don't grow fruit.


hermiona52 t1_j8cj2rt wrote

This is a picture I took on my way home with groceries. It was January 13. In Eastern Poland. Normally I would be ecstatic to see it, because hate Winter. But this just sent chills down my spine. It's not right.


mayhemtime t1_j8cqxs8 wrote

Isn't this a Japanese cherry blossom though? They can flower all the way through the winter, I've seen some in Warsaw a while back too. Climate change is scary obviously and it was unsettling to see temperatures over 15 degrees in January but this particular thing might not be as concerning as you think.


hermiona52 t1_j8d7spn wrote

To be honest I live here many years now and it's the first time it happened. And I would definitely notice, because I love walking in my area.


struggleingwithnames t1_j8cr1cg wrote

What species is that? There are several plants that blossom in the midst of winter


hermiona52 t1_j8d7xl1 wrote

I have absolutely no idea. In late Spring I'll take a photo and use some app to identify it.


FurryCurry t1_j8c27zw wrote

Yeah this photo makes me sad more than anything


mashuto t1_j8d5dcd wrote

Why? It doesn't look like there are any actual signs of spring in the photo. All the green looks like it's coming from moss or pine trees (which keep their needles through winter). The rest of the trees either only have dead brown leaves on them or none at all. The rest of the effect is just from warm light and/or processing.

I'm not saying global warming is fake and not to be worried or sad about it. But this photo and title seem misleading.