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twoeightnine OP t1_j9g3zgg wrote

I probably wouldn't attempt to get there in April. Any bit of mud or wet ground and you're getting stuck out there.

Bisti is good most of the way but if it's wet there is one sketchy spot on the road and walking will be miserable. It's one giant waterless swamp.


Syrah_volution t1_j9g4chj wrote

I'm aware, but that's the time I can go. So I'll assess and if it looks bad, we have a contingency.


gratusin t1_j9hxv0y wrote

Yeah this, even if you make it down the road, you might be walking in glue in April. I’m in durango and we’ve got a ton of snow, with more on the way. March is typically very wet. What happens up here happens to a lesser extent down there and it probably won’t dry out until mid summer.