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findingdumb t1_jajinu6 wrote


bigmac419 t1_jajob9h wrote

Every country is an active evil in someone's narrative. Just depends on who they're paid by.


Information_High t1_jajwbjd wrote

An active evil compared to whom?

Be specific, please. Which countries are better?


cowet t1_jak01an wrote

They like the USSR and china lol


AGVann t1_jal27nm wrote

As a Taiwanese person that would be in a mass grave or a concentration camp next to some Uyhurs right now if it wasn't for the US, I'll take an American world order over a Chinese one, thanks.


mellowfortherecords t1_jak9j2s wrote

Why saying US is evil means saying Russia is good? Both search their own benefit. In some ways Russia is worse than US and in others US is worse than Russia.
