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charronia t1_je9aq3m wrote

>It’s time to cast aside conformity. It’s time to exorcise the expected. It’s time to decline the indistinguishable. For years the world has been moving in the same stylistic direction. And it’s time we reintroduced some originality.

Here's the thing, though: even if you manage to come up with something original and it becomes a success, it won't be long before that itself becomes the new cliché.


ZombieNinjaPenguin t1_je9bi0y wrote

And that original thing might have only felt original due to a lack of global exposure prior - if your personal world only really consists of several thousand people, as opposed to the full reach of the internet, a lot of stuff starts to sound/feel more original.


Iffykindofguy t1_jea0786 wrote

Thats all it is. A feeling. Its no more original. People are mostly the same.