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SomeoneSomewhere1984 t1_je9tbo6 wrote

This seems like part of creating a global society. As we become more interconnected, we'll find they do something better somewhere else, and try to repeat that. It doesn't mean the world has become an echo chamber, only that ideas are no longer as regional as they are individual. Now if someone comes up with a unique idea people in their town don't like, it has a chanced to recognized beyond that. That may end up increasing diversity in many ways.


bq909 t1_jec1ztx wrote

Reddit is a prime example of one of the biggest echo chambers in the world. And I definitely don't think it is a good thing. In some ways it is good but there is very little genuine discourse here because of the voting system. I think that is a dangerous thing.

You see it with the random witch hunts and misinformation that gets reposted here from time to time.