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djs191 t1_jam6p7z wrote

An AI based Insurance policy checker to ensure neither the hospital or insurer is over charging or under servicing patients.


Feeling_Hunter873 t1_jam6rwq wrote

If you just want to practice, don’t try to solve a real problem. Maybe try to reproduce an existing app. Just my $0.02


rare_redditor0 OP t1_jam6wvf wrote

No, i dont want to practice. I want to develop apps with my team so i can build a good portfolio for clients


laleonm_cr t1_jam7w2q wrote

So, you should ask yo your clients what are their problems first


TerranPhil t1_jam8k93 wrote

Create an app for searching for things that have already been asked and answered previously. Profit.


100GHz t1_jamd1wv wrote

Search app. He'll have to develop an engine for that, of a sort. :P


kirpid t1_jaou0z4 wrote

That’s what language models are best at.


Tall-_-Guy t1_jama6n7 wrote

A dating app without all of the bullshit. No paywall, sexual language pop-up before sending. AI to block dick pics before the receiver gets them. Run a top and bottom banner for ads. Mandatory unfiltered full face and full body pic.

Sell the company to the mega corp that owns match and all the other dating apps.



bluesky-explorer t1_jam803h wrote

Build an App for Blackberry IVY, tons of things can be done with it. They were giving funding to startup app developers as well


IJustKnowStuff t1_jamil37 wrote

Build an app that can generate solutions to problems that you can build and app for/market. Then profit!


jimihughes t1_jan7vgk wrote

Use AI to compute and plan the dissemination and implementation of UFO technology so that it replaces energy generation locally, while making use of 3D printing in all manufacturing, and then use that premise to calculate how to further that to create equality and abundance for all of humanity. Create an action plan for implementation.


JustaGoodGuyHere t1_jaoqn1e wrote

Make an app that overclocks a phone’s processor to generate heat so the phone becomes a hand warmer.


Amazing_Secret7107 t1_japgc9h wrote

Apparently, the answer these days is: Build an app to ask chatgpt a question. Charge 5cents for questions.


No-Establishment3067 t1_japo0d0 wrote

An app that calculates and receipts work you do for the environment. I believe the ecological crisis will worsen to the point where we will eventually get paid or get tax breaks to help the clean up and/or promote “green” carbon neutral activity, thereby working with the capitalist system through incentives.

Obviously legislation needs to happen on a large scale so perhaps it can start as a way to boost communities taking on the effort already and begin a monetization process for existing nonprofits and individuals.


Alejandro_Meliche t1_jaqiojl wrote

If you make in the long run, an AI-based app that gives you laws that you might break and potential sanction if you do something in your country, but be sure to specify that information won't be given to the third parties. As a law student, add ability to see which laws exactly will affect your situation. If it's short-term, make an app that makes recipes for random dishes


Robbieopreddit t1_jaqqzga wrote

An app providing the power price in real time (for those with a flex, read 15 minutes charging mechanism). Than you can save or even earn with the electricity connection


Futurology-ModTeam t1_jasur3x wrote

Rule 2 - Submissions must be futurology related or future focused.