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Snipgan t1_jeb0ux5 wrote

Looking forward to it. The number of resources and land thrown at traditional husbandry is crazy compared to what we can save with synthetic meats/milk/eggs here soon.


dnadude t1_jebpwbf wrote

Cellular Agriculture is going to radically transform our food system. It's going to become cheaper to eat animal protein made from precision fermentation and cultured meat. When you're on government assistance because AI took your job, you just won't be able to afford the real stuff anymore. This will bankrupt so many farmers. A lot of farm land is about to go back to prairie. Rural communities will be destroyed. This will be happening along side the AI arms race we have going on right now.


PotentialHornet160 t1_jef4jde wrote

This could be a great thing for the environment though. I see a future where most people live in cities and the vast majority of land is preserved. Ecotourism would be huge. Imagine the buffalo once again roaming the US because there’s no more farmland to break up their habitat.


dnadude t1_jef8sba wrote

There's a whole think tank report on this technology trend and the consequences. I don't know if they are a little optimistic on the timelines, but the science and economics is sound.

I used ChatGPT to combine data from this report and the USDA Ag census to do a back of the envelop calculation on how much water will be saved in a certain region and what would happen if most of that water made it back to the dying lake it was diverted from.


FuturologyBot t1_jea61tn wrote

The following submission statement was provided by /u/virtualmase:

>However, the sale of cultured meat isn’t fully legal in the US yet (in fact, the only countries where the meat can be sold right now are Singapore and Israel), so regulations are going to need to keep pace with production capacity to make such facilities worth building. Last week California-based Good Meat took a step in this direction, receiving a crucial FDA approval for sale of its cultured chicken in the US.
Cultured meat is made by taking muscle cells from a live animal (without harming it) and feeding those cells a mixture of nutrients and growth factors to make them multiply, differentiate, and grow to form muscle tissue. The harvested tissue then needs to be refined and shaped into a final product, which can involve extrusion cooking, molding, or 3D printing.


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defcon_penguin t1_jeadpoh wrote

Chicken nuggets are the easiest meat to synthesize. They are already pretty synthetic even if made from actual chicken


Pikkornator t1_jeahcbe wrote

I think its disgusting but to each its own. I rather have them make a whole new product rather then to replace real meat...... but bill gates have spend a lot of money on this and its promotion so we wont get rid of this any time soon.


[deleted] t1_jea0tvv wrote



theluckyfrog t1_jecgyco wrote

You ever had a hotdog? At least this product won't contain anus meat.


howard416 t1_jeba5f1 wrote

You drink beer? Applied any shellac finishes? Eaten figs?