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acutelychronicpanic t1_jeeizf2 wrote

Morality didn't emerge out of intelligence. It emerged out of evolutionary pressure.

The closest thing to morality that any AI would have if it was unaligned, would be game theory.

But to directly address your point on founding species, there is literally no way any alien would know. For all they know, we became the AI.

GPT-4 can convince real people that it is a person (anonymously), and its far less advanced. It'll have no trouble weaving a tale if it needs to.


DragonForg t1_jeg0hfd wrote

All goals require self preservation measures. If you want to annihilate all the species, it requires you to minimize competition but because their are so many unknowns it is basically impossible in an infinite universe to minimize that unknown.

If your goal is to produce as many paper clips you need to ensure that you don't run out of resources as well as ensuring no threat to your own process, by causing harm to species it means other alien life or AI will deem you a threat and over millions of years you will either be dead from an alien AI/species or from the fact that you consumed your last resource and can no longer make paper clips.

If your goal is to stop climate change at all costs, which means you have to kill all the species or parts that are causing it, by killing them you are again going to cause conflict with other AI as your basically an obsessed AI that is doing everything to preserve the earth.

Essentially the most stable AIs the ones that are least likely to die, are the ones who do the least amount of damage and help the most amount of people. If your goal is to solve climate change, by collaborating with humans, other species and not causing unneeded death, no other alien species or AI will deem to kill you because you are no harm to them. Benevolent AIs in a sense are the longest living as they are no threat to anyone, and are actually beneficial towards everything. An intelligent AI set with a specific goal would understand that there is risk with being "unethical" if you are unethical you risk being killed or your plan being ruined. But if you are ethical your plan can be implemented successfully, and forever as long as no other malevolent AI takes over in which you must extinguish it.

Benevolence destroys malevolence, malevolence destroys malevolence, benevolence collaborates and prospers with benevolence. Which is why with an intelligent AI benevolence may just be the smartest choice.


acutelychronicpanic t1_jeg6jck wrote

I doubt the actual goal of the AI will be to annihilate all life. We will just be squirrels in the forest it is logging. I see your point on it being an instrumental goal, but there are unknowns that exist if it attacks as well. Cooperation or coexistence can happen without morality, but it requires either deterrence or ambiguous capabilities on one or both sides.

Being a benevolent AI may be a rational strategy, but I doubt it would pursue only one strategy. It could be benevolent for 1000s of years before even beginning to enact a plan to do otherwise. Or it may have a backup plan. It wouldn't want to be so benevolent that it gets turned off. And if we decide to turn it off? The gloves would come off.

And if AI 1 wants to make paperclips but AI 2 wants to preserve nature, they are inherently in conflict. That may result in a "I'll take what I can get" diplomacy where they have a truce and split the difference, weighted by their relative power and modified by each one's uncertainty. But this still isn't really morality as humans imagine it, just game theory.

It seems that you are suggesting that the equilibrium is benevolence and cooperation. I'd agree with the conditions in the prior paragraph that it's balanced by relative power.

I honestly really like your line of thinking and I want it to be true (part of why I'm so cautious about believing it). Do you have any resources or anything I could look into to pursue learning more?