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Low-Restaurant3504 t1_jdpvtl6 wrote

I'll take my chances. Let it loose. Either we die, drift into an overstimulated dream, or reach the apex of society. Dying by AI is such a dumb thing to worry about. Either you worry and are right, in which case you died, or you worry and you are wrong, in which case it's pointless. Same as worrying about getting nuked. The other two options sound fun. Let's fucking do this and see what happens! So exciting!


RoHouse t1_jdpw8zn wrote

> Either worry and are right, in which case you died

There are fates worse than death, friend.


Low-Restaurant3504 t1_jdpwcr3 wrote

Oooooooh, like Vampires?

Don't think we'll have to worry bout that, friend. Call it a hunch.


RoHouse t1_jdpwpah wrote

I'm talking about surviving a nuclear blast. Unlike the movies, there's no guarantee you'll be instantly vaporized. Many will die, but many more will be injured, with broken bones, burns over large parts of their body, blindness, deafness. Then comes radiation sickness, disease, famine, etc.

Same with AI. There are worse options than it wiping us all out.


Pearcinator t1_jdq468e wrote

Let's hope we are not chosen to be 1 of the last 5. Tortured by the AI God for all eternity. IHNMAIMS.


Low-Restaurant3504 t1_jdpx3ha wrote

You are a very serious person. Please understand that I am not. Please, I beg of you. Understand this. Be better than most. Please.
