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Weltkaiser t1_jds4v2z wrote

Have you read the news today? Google: "Pope Francis in a white puffer jacket"


Frostii_ t1_jdsqhx6 wrote

Hah I saw this pop up here in reddit earlier, didn't evennquestion if it was real, just thought ok....who cares.?? Dude was cold lolol


ArgosHound t1_jdtqeov wrote

I thought it was real, didn't even question it. The future is going to be great.


Rk3h t1_jdulo1n wrote

in the fashion era I didn't even second guess it. I just thought damn the Pope's cool af


Buuhhu t1_jdu7c6c wrote

honestly just skimmed through some posts and just saw it and thought "neat" and went on, didnt think more deeply on it, and that may be the biggest reason people are fooled... If you stop to read/think about it a bit more many times you can figure out something is wrong, but we are definitely reaching points where you cant just immediately see something is off about a picture. video deepfakes may still take a bit. but i havent actually seen how far they are on that front.


Weltkaiser t1_jdu7xbu wrote

r/deepfakes was banned 5 years ago due to sharing involuntary pornographic videos that were absolutely convincing at the time. 5 years ago, let that sink in.


WideCardiologist3323 t1_jdtfnww wrote

Thats not a deep fake tho? thats an AI image.


cosmernaut420 t1_jdtk128 wrote

Functionally, what's the difference.


WideCardiologist3323 t1_jdtnd64 wrote

Well deepfake is limited to what the video clip or the person that was used was doing. AI will be able to generate images that are other wise impossible, in the future, likely extreme detail.


Weltkaiser t1_jdu1zgi wrote

This future is now. Also it could very well be a deep fake, we don't know how they created it. If you use prompt by image, you are definitely already in deep fake territory.


Brittainicus t1_jdujl10 wrote

Deepfakes use AI to generate their images using machine learning
methods through training a data set. Its just that AI is now able to copy more than just photorealistic styles as well now.