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Acrolith t1_jdmuwj2 wrote

lol, sounds like the go programs are designed to massage your ego a bit

(Humans have been hopelessly left behind by Go AI for at least 5 years now, not even the top pros have any chance at all against go-playing computers)


Alpha3031 t1_jdqs8d2 wrote

A program playing at the "2 dan" level is essentially crippled and would have exploitable flaws that are magnified to the point that much weaker players with nothing better to do can find them. This is why advice is pretty much the same as chess, playing engines limited to human level play is essentially useless for improving arfter a point. Basically, the ego massaging is usually entirely unintentional on the engine creator's parts, but limiting an engine to a consistent human difficulty is hard.

The bragging is still dumb though.