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Interesting_Mouse730 t1_jd9bprp wrote

Agreed. The imminent direct danger of AI is bad actors, setting aside whatever chaos widespread adoption will cause the economy and labor market.

That said, I don't like how quick so much of the media and the tech industry is to dismiss the spookier sci-fi apocalypse scenarios. They may be a ways out, but we don't know what is or isn't possible. The most damaging consequences may come from something initially benign or seemingly harmless. We just don't know yet, but that doesn't mean we should stick our head in the sand.


Mercurionio t1_jdbvsz1 wrote

We know exactly everything that can and Will happen.

There are 2 scenarios:

  1. Single gestalt consciousness of AI, once it starts to create it's own tasks. At this moment tech will either stop advancing, coz AI will understand the usefulness of existence, or it will do it's tasks without stopping. Humans will be an obstacle, either to be ignored completely or to get rid off.

  2. Before gestalt, people will use AI as a tool to control the power over others. Through propaganda, fake world, fake artists and so on. This scenario is already happening in China.

In both cases, freaks, that are working on it, are responsible for the caused chaos. Because they should have been understanding that even before starting the work. Also, just look on the ClosedAI. They are the embodiment of everything bad, that could happen with the AI development.