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Closetpunkrocker t1_jed4nrn wrote

Did we know where the iPod would take society in the beginning? Nope. Look at us now. The question is, are we on the verge of another technology revolution that changes life as we know it? A lot of people think “yes.”


nemotiger t1_jedcky3 wrote

I was born in the 80's I knew exactly what the ipod meant. It meant I can finally get rid of my skipping portable cd player!


thehourglasses t1_jedi5hk wrote

Comparing super intelligent AI to a fucking iPod. Good fucking lord.


Closetpunkrocker t1_jegwcfp wrote

You miss the point. Were you around when Apple products first came to market? The internet? Did you say to yourself, “wow this will change life as we know it - it will reshape how we live our lives, the job market, the world economy” If you did, I hope you’re a billionaire by now. The point is, we are just on the cusp Al. As with past Technology revolutions, from where we sit today, the vast majority of people can’t possibly imagine what the possibilities will become. OP doesn’t think AI is a massive disruptor. I do.


dja_ra OP t1_jed55yc wrote

I know that they do. But I think they are too enthusiastic about the where this will ultimately lead. I think that societies' problems will lead us to a hard stop at some point, and none of these questions will matter then.