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sgfgross OP t1_jb9a2me wrote

“Ultimately, we might be able to inject RNA into patients and transform enough cells to activate the immune system against cancer without having to take cells out first,” Ravi Majetim, the lead researcher, said. “That’s science fiction at this point, but that’s the direction we are interested in going.”

This approach has the potential to open up an entirely new therapeutic approach to treating cancer and may provide a way to develop a vaccine for cancer.


tracerhaha t1_jb9q305 wrote

Sounds like it could possibly have applications beyond just cancer.


Dryandrough t1_jbcygj2 wrote

Like making cells target people instead.

Anyways, between cancer and dementia, I'd choose cancer.


TheTapeDeck t1_jbaqiwk wrote

These are all things that might help people who have cancer in 50 years. Really you just b need to survive the next 120 years and if you’re wealthy, you might be able to live indefinitely.


Dimentian t1_jbbuo72 wrote

The rich today will stop aging. They will avoid cameras. The public will begin to notice a little later than they should.


[deleted] t1_jbcr39f wrote



Futurology-ModTeam t1_jbcx1k7 wrote

Hi, circasomnia. Thanks for contributing. However, your comment was removed from /r/Futurology.

> > i bet tree fiddy that aint gonna happen

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dragapultcatapult t1_jbcaxxb wrote

“…transform cancer cells into weapons-“


“-against cancer.”

oh… phew


Lykanya t1_jbiy79t wrote

I mean its not hard to just do the first part. A weapon that causes massive auto-immune disease is perfectly doable using the same technology. If you can make your body target specific cells, in this case cancer, there is no reason why you can't make it target say, your brain, or heart.


HeavensCriedBlood t1_jbbc4bo wrote

Wait, I've seen I Am Legend before.

All jokes aside, this is great progress.


cdmpants t1_jbdc96w wrote

In the future: "Cancer's not so bad, it did kill cancer after all".


Prolly-wrong t1_jbcmkgm wrote

I think this was a Will Smith movie. It leads to hyper fast and monstrously strong zombies


FuturologyBot t1_jb9d32g wrote

The following submission statement was provided by /u/sgfgross:

“Ultimately, we might be able to inject RNA into patients and transform enough cells to activate the immune system against cancer without having to take cells out first,” Ravi Majetim, the lead researcher, said. “That’s science fiction at this point, but that’s the direction we are interested in going.”

This approach has the potential to open up an entirely new therapeutic approach to treating cancer and may provide a way to develop a vaccine for cancer.

Please reply to OP's comment here:


Lykanya t1_jbiy8qy wrote

Very interesting concept, but will likely need long trials before this is anywhere near ready for public usage.