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Wyrmthane t1_jba1seb wrote

As an old hand at tripping I have never heard anyone use the term regularly trip acid. Tripping on acid or just tripping yes and have heard someone say I just bought some trip but never trip acid sounds like bot speak


Anotherherolost t1_jba3s5i wrote

Same here, check out this clip from him posting this same thing in other groups:

"I remember once, on the come down, my buddy had me hit his weed vape pen. I’d never mixed LSD and weed before. Fuck, I got lost in Shanghai for 5 hours trying to walk home."

This sounds like that kid in the 9th grade that wants everyone to think he's cool so he tells those crazy stories but all of the detail and terminology are just a little off.


NotaSecretRat t1_jba4ols wrote

Not trying to discount your suspicion but i also use the term trip acid i dont do it socially tho so never learned the "proper" lingo


Wyrmthane t1_jba5gxu wrote

That’s cool I had just never heard it many regional Colloquialism


elidevious t1_jba4bu4 wrote

Hu? You should read Science and Sanity by Alfred Korzybski. The study of General Semantics might help you deal with others using terminology that’s unlike that which you use.


Wyrmthane t1_jba6dnv wrote

No I have not and I’m just guessing but neither would you have done so if not given it in college which is fine but to act like this one source is just common reading is aggressive. All I said was in my experience it was not a thing I had heard not attacking anyone unlike you


elidevious t1_jbaa21t wrote

I’m not attacking, simply suggesting. Also, wasn’t forced to read it, it’s the second best book I’ve ever read, changed my life and ways of thinking.


x1000Bums t1_jba5uk1 wrote

We say trip acid in my circle, but regardless their post is really wierd and just screamed bullshit the other 4 times they posted it too. And their defence being "is it reallly that unbelievable?" Is the nail in the coffin for me. Dudes just trying to farm karma on a cool story

"Theyre hacking our brains man"

...buddy, ive never even been on tiktok. Maybe theres your solution.