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malk600 t1_jb9uwk3 wrote

> they knew the tech bypassed users’ prefrontal cortex playing to the limbic system

This I would classify as "not even wrong". Probably don't listen to people boastin ;)


verifjah t1_jb9v2k0 wrote

you even enter the country with acid and you’d probably be put in their prison camps for years 🧢


3SquirrelsinaCoat t1_jb9vu2o wrote

While your story may be entirely true as you heard it, I take it as a good life rule to not put much stock in what people say while tripping.


jazztaprazzta t1_jb9xwd9 wrote

I don't think any of this is true, but I still hope tiktok gets banned all over the World.


Sirmiketr t1_jb9yvfd wrote

Me and your mom were on LSD that night as well, ask her what happened!


elidevious t1_jb9zdbs wrote

Is it really that unbelievable? I mean, i don’t care what you believe. But this is pretty light in the whole range of what’s possible in the world. Think about it, people take drugs with friends, no matter who they work for. And what I shared isn’t conspiracy level shit, we all know the tech companies do this, and this is just the flavor of the month, which just so happens to come from China.

And wouldn’t it just be a little more fun to be less cynical?


Access_Important1 t1_jb9ztj8 wrote

Isn't tiktok owned by tencent? Wasn't there mention of some backdoor code? I might be tripping myself!


Wyrmthane t1_jba1seb wrote

As an old hand at tripping I have never heard anyone use the term regularly trip acid. Tripping on acid or just tripping yes and have heard someone say I just bought some trip but never trip acid sounds like bot speak


juicehead_throwaway t1_jba1v0c wrote

I don’t know what it’s like now with cameras pointing every direction and their social ranking system but while I was there we could be a group of underage kids and get into nightclubs. I’ve been so fucked up there that I was walking through the streets like a QWOP character and nothing happened.

I’m sure there are people they make an example out of sometimes.


Iffykindofguy t1_jba3bl7 wrote

sounds like a poorly written cbs cop show


"My god...."


Anotherherolost t1_jba3dc4 wrote

Opening this defense with "Is it really that unbelievable" is the equivalent of you yelling "I know but wouldn't it be neat!?".


This is embarrassing. Incoming "Whatever you say man, believe whatever you want to believe.


royalblue1982 t1_jba3gea wrote

I still find it confusing how people consider TikTok to be a security concern. What data exactly is it that they are gathering that is a threat to national security?


Anotherherolost t1_jba3s5i wrote

Same here, check out this clip from him posting this same thing in other groups:

"I remember once, on the come down, my buddy had me hit his weed vape pen. I’d never mixed LSD and weed before. Fuck, I got lost in Shanghai for 5 hours trying to walk home."

This sounds like that kid in the 9th grade that wants everyone to think he's cool so he tells those crazy stories but all of the detail and terminology are just a little off.


x1000Bums t1_jba5uk1 wrote

We say trip acid in my circle, but regardless their post is really wierd and just screamed bullshit the other 4 times they posted it too. And their defence being "is it reallly that unbelievable?" Is the nail in the coffin for me. Dudes just trying to farm karma on a cool story

"Theyre hacking our brains man"

...buddy, ive never even been on tiktok. Maybe theres your solution.


Wyrmthane t1_jba6dnv wrote

No I have not and I’m just guessing but neither would you have done so if not given it in college which is fine but to act like this one source is just common reading is aggressive. All I said was in my experience it was not a thing I had heard not attacking anyone unlike you


Crystal-Math-Adept t1_jba8dcw wrote

If you think this isn’t exactly how advertising has worked for the past 75 years you’re not paying attention.


Closetedcousin t1_jba8fyj wrote

As we all death scroll through reddit.... cool story bro.


malk600 t1_jba94ql wrote

It betrays a 1st year psychology student level of understanding of neuroscience, that's for one.

The enitre view of addiction (limbic compulsion vs cortex) is 30 years out of date, and the entire fairytale of the lower lizard brain and the higher, reasoned and enlightened brain sitting atop it is 50 years out of date. Do you think this is so easy?

I find statements like this often from naive techbros who spent their career making apps for ridiculous cash ;) Any neuroscientist down there in the trenches for decades breaking their back to wrest a tiny bit of genuine understanding from a highly complex system far out in the chaotic regime with nothing but a set of ever-improving yet ever too crude tools can only offer a laugh.

Social media are habit-forming. Whoop de doo, such brain hacking. This is stuff we've known for as long as we've known drugs and gambling, which is to say: as long as we've had written word as a species, and likely longer.

What is new, is that each of us poor motherfuckers is holding an interface device in our pocket through which the habit forming behavior can be reinforced at any time, all the time. This is, of course, bad - more or less as bad as having a bottle of vodka that never runs out and taking a swig any time you want. Surely, to nobody's surprise, this would quickly turn you into a raving alcoholic. But is it some incredible feat of neural sorcery on part of the guy who gave you the perma-vodka bottle? Hardly.

Good old guy Karl Marx had a word for people who are so far up their own asses that they forget anything in society apart from their discipline even exists: Fachidioten ("professional idiots").

I would instead invite you to look at the big picture: being able to get someone hooked on an app means jack shit in the grand order of things; and in the long term, the entire data harvesting social app panopticon is a pyramid scheme, built entirely of the "greater fool" fallacy. You get data, more data, all the data, to, pretty much, brag about all the data you've got and get venture capitalists who know even less than you to give you absolute fucktons of money, under the understanding that suckers with even less brains (but yet more money) will buy in and make it worthwhile. But in the end, what good does the data do you? Ah yes, predictive algorithms. Which make you money... how exactly? That's right, by pitching them to venture capitalists... etc. etc. ad infinitum. Or, really, not. The carrying capacity of our economic system is not limitless. The ability to partake in buzzword- and hype-based economy is not limitless. The last bastion might be in the form of authoritarian governments (which is to say, most major powers) wanting this data for social control. But social control is brittle, my friend. I was here and watching it when the Eastern Bloc fell. In the 1980's nobody thought they would see it in their lifetime, the bloc was obviously an insurmountable behemoth. A few years later if immediatelly fell to pieces, and it was immediately obvious it was an impossible house of cards. This change, when ongoing, happened over months.

This is why I always laugh at tech bros who think they got everything solved and that they are, and will remain, at the top of the fucking world.


Futurology-ModTeam t1_jbac9ps wrote

Hi, elidevious. Thanks for contributing. However, your submission was removed from /r/Futurology.

> > You wouldn’t believe some of the shit he used to tell me about TikTok while we were tripping. > > He’d call their work “nurohacking”, because they knew the tech bypassed users’ prefrontal cortex playing to the limbic system. The limbic system measures everything as either bad or good, housing sex drive and fight or flight, perfect for training their algorithms. Also, the limbic system lacks perception of time, that’s why users are often baffled after they realize how much time they spent looking at 10 second videos. > > I was so confused when he showed me ‘user clusters’ (groups of people that all watch the same content). What was so freaky was how everyone in a cluster physically looks the same. Also kinda crazy that we were in China looking at USA users’ data. > > Interestingly, Chinese gov has policies in place that limits how much time children can use the native version of TikTok (Douyin) in their country, with other rules for adults + patriotic propaganda. They totally understand the power of this tech to warp minds. > > Just thought it was a fun LSD story.

> Rule 2 - Submissions must be futurology related or future focused.

Refer to the subreddit rules, the transparency wiki, or the domain blacklist for more information.

[Message the Mods]( regarding the removal of this submission by /u/elidevious&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this submission if you feel this was in error.


Farklurth t1_jbaeiu3 wrote

Tencent is like a virus, they even bought 40-45% of UNREAL ENGINE (Epic Games).


reasonandmadness t1_jbaelkh wrote

I can't help but to feel like this is the evolution towards the entertainment in the move Idiocracy.


reasonandmadness t1_jbafly6 wrote

This is my general argument for the whole "ban tiktok" argument.

To think that it's just Tiktok doing this is ignorant.

We literally saw Facebook's affect on politics via Cambridge Analytica, and that was 100% data driven science. They literally manipulated the flow of information to particular types of people and fucked with their brains enough to sway their whole thought processes.

To think there is no one else in the world doing this is ridiculous.