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Iffykindofguy t1_je6c1w7 wrote

Impossible to say. It is unlikely, especially in terms of a single lifespan its almost impossible that would happen unless we have some incredible developments in life extension. Which is possible. You're way too over confident.


gonzo1483 OP t1_je6e9am wrote

The convicts could potentially reproduce on board, and their grandchildren could research the surface of Proxima b and send the results to Earth to equip the next launch.


Sanity_LARP t1_je6hl9e wrote

There's a sci-fi story where a multi-generational colony ship finally arrives at a planet and it's covered in the ruins of a civilization of humans that arrived hundreds of years earlier using faster ships that were developed while the first ship made the trip.


gonzo1483 OP t1_je6j4qn wrote

Damn. So the first ships informed later ships, then there was ruin, then centuries later a new ship arrives with lesser technology than the previous?


CollinHell t1_je6lhl5 wrote

Any chance you remember the name? I'd love to read that.