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MammothTankDriver t1_jbkjfpn wrote

I would say Vietnam, Thailand. In europe, Switzerland, Austria. America itself would be safe because the civil war talk is just insanity. The federal goverment is strong enough to survive anything domestically. Even state goverments there are good enoigh for that. But in case of a coup de etat, eith the militsry being involved, it eould be a short aventure for the coup people.

Also, the demographics of russia and china are hugely overblown to be negative. A demographic issue can be solved by migrant workers or debt.

Japan choose debt. Some western countries chose migrants.

Russia is also attractive as a place to migrate to. All russia needs to do is liberalize the admission process. But most conservstive places want to avoid migrants, due to nationalist sentiments.

Dont be too negative on the future. The world has neen on the brink of the apocalypse since Christ. Its also quite odd for this subreddit to have doomers.


Negative_Leek_6842 t1_jbl4dt6 wrote

It’s nice to hear some optimism but US Civil War talk is not insanity. We have one of the two main political parties favoring Christian Nationalism and scoffing at the rule of law. They have already installed a kangaroo court, control many state governments, and have attempted to overturn an election. Trump was an egotistical idiot. We might not be so lucky with the next Republican in power.