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MammothTankDriver t1_jbkmuc2 wrote

Trans people being outlawed is nothing. 0.0002 of the population is nothing. 20-30 years sgo, it was taboo to be gay.

A country turning a bit conservative is not the end of the country.

The USA is a republic. I dont think they ever listened to the people. The people, especially in the US, are very dumb and uneducated.

Fsr right movements have always been a thing. I remember hoe things were in 2008 and before.

I heard about stormfront much earlier. The things are getting worse bullshit in the west prpves that democracy is a waste of time.

Its better to treat people like dumb sheep like china does and steamroll via police brute force.

The chinese arent pessimistic about the future at all. Turns out banning doomer posting works.