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Doofzig t1_jbjwpkz wrote

Considering US companies sell only trucks, vans, SUVs and sports cars, it’s not surprising. I don’t want an SUV. I love the old full size sedans. I got 25mpg in my old Town Car.


gjallerhorn t1_jbk18hs wrote

My midsized suv gets 28 mpg on average


Awesomebox5000 t1_jbk998m wrote

For reference, my commuter ebike gets 1887 MPGe (not a typo).


WhiteRaven42 t1_jbkhd9d wrote

What kind of climate do you live in?


AmateurAviator t1_jbm0pw9 wrote

I have a 2019 Terrain and it averages 31-32 overall. They’ve come a long way


thunder_struck85 t1_jbmpb28 wrote

I get 40mpg in my sedan and it's becoming impossible to drive it at night. Every single vehicle out there is like a foot taller and blasting me right in the eyes even with their bloody low beams.

It's really quite annoying, compared to driving my truck.


Tech_Philosophy t1_jbkzd50 wrote

> I got 25mpg in my old Town Car.

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to think of this, but a non-plugin gas-only camry hybrid gets 52 mpg. Again, you only fill it with gas.


ValyushaSarafan t1_jbmn849 wrote

There's no phev camry


Gandalf2000 t1_jbo144r wrote

They said non-plug in


ValyushaSarafan t1_jbo97o0 wrote

Exactly, why specify if it doesn't exist


Tech_Philosophy t1_jbod7on wrote

Oh, I specified because 52 mpg is just really good compared to most cars, and if someone has never looked at a regular hybrid before, they may see that number and assume there is some kind of plug in nature to it. I just want to convince people they can get a gas-only powered car AND get outstanding mileage if they just look at a hybrid.

Less wear and tear on the vehicle too, those hybrids tend to last longer than their gas counterparts because the engine/brakes are not always used when driving, as the battery and regenerative brakes pick up some of the slack. Cool stuff if you aren't ready for a fully electric car.


ValyushaSarafan t1_jbods8h wrote

Ah I see, that makes sense. I personally drive a PHEV so that number would seem low for a PHEV sedan.


Fausterion18 t1_jbkgeye wrote

Then buy one from a Japanese or German brand?


Doofzig t1_jbksrut wrote

They don’t make 6 passenger, 4 body trunk sedans anymore


Fausterion18 t1_jbkt6d9 wrote

Since when was the Lincoln town car a 7 seater?


juwisan t1_jbnrva4 wrote

I mean, compared to European sedans of the time it was an enormous car. More like driving a living room around, basically. I don’t see any trouble fitting 7 people into that thing. Might not be road legal though.


Doofzig t1_jboatuq wrote

Sorry. Six seats. Driver included. Though I have had 8 in mine before.


Fausterion18 t1_jbokotf wrote

The only reason that's not a thing anymore is due to passenger safety.

They still make large sedans with ample interior space.


GinOkc t1_jboknn7 wrote

Oh I miss those 4 body trunk cars.