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Philosipho t1_jdmkb8z wrote

People decided it was a good idea to let citizens control the economy and government, because they wanted the opportunity to have that wealth and power themselves.

Society is just one big episode of r/LeapordsAteMyFace


Throwaway-tan t1_jdmlriq wrote

What? I'm not sure what your criticism is targeting... Is it that society is run by people?

Society has generally been a net positive for everyone. We went from subsistence and survivalism to plenitude and philosophy.

Even a feudal society is preferable to no society in my opinion.

It's not perfect, but I much prefer the fucked up society we have now when compared to "return to monke".


sqwuakler t1_jdmwxtf wrote

"Democracy is the worst form of government (except for all the others that have been tried).”