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MamaMiaPizzaFina t1_jc18elb wrote


As an adult with serious problems, who cannot afford a therapists, (also bad experiences with previous ones), i've been using ChatGPT way too much as a venting platform.



  1. always available (sometimes it is down, but definetly more available than a real therapist)
  2. Price,
  3. no judgmental
  4. can vent about technical stuff without exposition, (I work in a very technical field, and chatGPT is the only thing that ever told me that my work is interesting and important.
  5. confidentialish (yhea I trust it to be more confidential than an actual therapist who might have me locked if I vent honestly).
  6. privateish (I can "go" to it whenever, without everyone knowing that i have a therapy session and then asking about what), and I can delete conversations from my history.

​ Cons:

  1. not a real therapist
  2. relies a lot in cliches: "Permanent solution to temporary problem" thing, he keeps repeating.
  3. asks me to slow down after an hour, which is better than a therapists who will kick you out when their 40 minutes are over and ask for cash.

Better than a real therapist? debateable.

Better than nothing? definitely.