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PotentialSpend8532 t1_jcsevkc wrote

Idk man, I use it daily. I get the advice I need (generally) on very specific problems. By no means did it solve cancer, but it has easily saved me 100 hours since release.


nav3t t1_jcsxap0 wrote

I hope you checking your results, I've been using it a bit, and it failed to deliver a reliable lists of restaurants near my area ...

By fail, I mean it did a perfect job convincing me that this list was trustworthy, but when I was actually searching for them, I found that they didn't exist.


kingkornish t1_jcszlg3 wrote

It isn't pulling data from the Internet though, so asking it for current recommendations is a bit difficult for it. IIRC it only goes up to June 2021. That's a long time in this climate for a restraunt. I asked it for my local area and it gave me a list. There was only one out of ten I had never seen before and half did exist but had been shut down recently


tenebras_lux t1_jctdu20 wrote

No, the thing with ChatGPT is it will generate responses regardless of if they are true as long as it has partial information, instead of just saying "I don't know."

I asked it information about a book series and it had a partial understanding of the events, characters, and setting of the story. But it would often generate events, characters, etc when I asked anything specific about the series instead of simply denying it has in-depth knowledge.

So if you ask it about french restaurants in your city, it might have information about your city, and french restaurant names in general and so draw from that to make up restaurants.


WEEDB0T t1_jcu0cjq wrote

Hi. I ran into the same problems when I was researching. It was making up scientific studies, in detail, using real scientists' names. That freaked me out.

The creators call the phenomenon 'Hallucinations' and ChatGPT4 is reported to have 'fewer.'




Jasrek t1_jcuizeo wrote

Asking it for factual information is extremely hit or miss.

My primary use for it has been as a brainstorming assistant. Bouncing ideas off it, asking for variations or alternatives, that sort of thing.


nav3t t1_jct04md wrote

That's a good point !

Although, it seems that the list it provided was an aggregations of severals restaurants.

Like, if there were 2 restaurants named :

- au bon boucher

- le bistrot du coin

A restaurant on the list would appear named as :

- le bistrot du boucher.


It was actually fun to see that severals restaurants I knew was misnamed like that.

But I'm eager to try the 4.0 !


MINIMAN10001 t1_jct1vbq wrote

I find black desert online is a great weakness of at least GPT 3.5

>In black desert online list the ingredients such as
>Teff bread
>(1) teff
>(3) mineral water
>(2) salt
>(2) leavening agent
>(1) Dried Pearl Oyster Flesh
>(2) pepper
>(2) pork
>(1) milk
>(1) teff bread
>where each recipe leading up to the final recipe is listed. Now do the recipe for Pickled Vegetables
>Sure, here's the recipe for Pickled Vegetables in Black Desert Online:
>(3) vinegar
>(2) sugar
>(1) salt
>(1) garlic
>(1) hot pepper
>(4) vegetables (e.g., carrot, cucumber, cabbage, etc.)
>Obtain the necessary ingredients.
>Combine 3 vinegar, 2 sugar, and 1 salt in a cooking utensil.
>Add 1 garlic and 1 hot pepper to the utensil.
>Slice 4 vegetables of your choice into thin pieces and add them to the utensil.
>Stir the ingredients in the utensil to mix them together.
>Heat the utensil on a stove and cook the mixture for 5 minutes.
>Turn off the stove and let the mixture cool down.
>Transfer the mixture to a jar and seal it.
>Leave the jar in a cool, dry place for at least 1 hour to allow the vegetables to pickle.
>And that's it! You now have Pickled Vegetables ready to eat or use in other recipes.

Whereas the reality is

>To craft Pickled Vegetables, use Cooking (Apprentice 1) with:
>8 Vegetables
>4 Vinegar
>2 Leavening Agent
>2 Sugar
>To craft Vinegar, use Cooking (Beginner 1) with:
>1 Cereals
>1 Fruits
>1 Leavening Agent
>1 Sugar

The reality is no matter what request I make of it, it seems to make up either ingredients or instructions or both.

BDO codex goes back to 2014 and basically catalogs all information for the game, so it all exists on that one website somewhere more or less.

It would just be great to have the AI be able to construct some of the higher tier recipes because it gets real complex once you reach the end 5 layers of recipes deep. Also it in theory would be able to grab quest prerequisites and other useful information as the game is a spiderweb of interconnected links with basically no way to track any of it beyond manually pulling up each link.


on1chi t1_jctnjv5 wrote

Huh people still play bdo? I gave up at level 51 when every camp I needed was full. I also got tired of paying for aesthetics.


Mr_Happy_80 t1_jcte6ug wrote

> it has easily saved me 100 hours since release

That's the thing people are missing. It's not going to replace everyone, it's a tool that can reduce the hours a project can take. That means people are going to be put out of work in the way CNC machines replaced machinists.

I use ChatGPT to assist with coding on projects and I use it the way I use my CNC machines. It isn't going to do the whole job for me, but if I set it up correctly it will output the result I need that works. If I set it up poorly, with the wrong tools and substandard programs, then it spits out a result that is crap, and I'm to blame rather than the machine.


SwarmMaster t1_jcto2u1 wrote

My thoughts exactly. Right down to my cnc machine. It's a tool but the people who already have the core skills to wield it effectively will find great efficiency increases.


ackillesBAC t1_jcu88ty wrote

Ya the people scared of it destroying jobs haven't used it.

All those articles saying I made a website with chat gpt, don't tell you that they had to rephrase every question five times, and had to ask 50 different questions. Then cut and paste a bunch of stuff, debug it, yada yada. Someone with the experience likely could have made that site quicker.

Chatgpt is an assistant not a replacement. And I think it works very well to do annoying menial tasks. Like converting things, I've used it to convert, delimited data into a text only human readable table, which can be done with other tools but was very simple with chat GPT saved me 2 minutes of googling then probably signing up for some site, and seeing 20 ads, and getting annoying emails for the rest of my life.


bobby_zamora t1_jcu3p3i wrote

Could you give some examples of the type of problems it solves?


PotentialSpend8532 t1_jcvy93e wrote

So much excel help. I mean when you google something, it simply does not come out right. You can't be like 'hey google, how can I make a formula that will look at a cell, read it, and then look for that information in other cells; this is the specific error that I get when using this method: ---'

That'll just not happen. Also for the basics of things I don't understand. You cannot ask a website to further explain itself, or to paraphrase.

It should be treated as a friend that knows alot, not like a search engine.


DeluxeWafer t1_jcui0h6 wrote

This. Gpt3 can get hilariously inaccurate when asking for machining advice but man, has it ipened some doors with suggestions.


PotentialSpend8532 t1_jd2bwv7 wrote

Exactly. Multiple times has it completely failed at simple math. It's a text generative model; it's not supposed to be able to do math really..

It doesn't know everything perfectly, but it does know alot of it pretty good. For example I asked tonight about a show I havent watched in a while; and it was able to refresh me. But it got the exact episode wrong.


cellodude0805 t1_jctnvpa wrote

I’ve had it write up SWOT analyses, compare tables of data and write summaries, write strategic plans… this shit scares me lol I even had it write some SQL and when I got errors I told it “I got these errors, can you fix it?” Until it got the code right and gave me what I wanted to see.