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strvgglecity t1_jcl6f2y wrote

World war II had nothing to do with scarcity or resources, for which the atomic bomb was proposed, invented and used. Building atomic science is indicative of intelligence. Using that science to commit genocide is not intelligence.


fieryflamingfire t1_jclik9j wrote

My claim here is that the practice of warfare makes sense given our evolutionary history, not that every specific war must be related to resource scarcity.

There are problems in trying to predict the evolutionary cause of something, since it's difficult to falsify any evolution claim. But believing that all of our negative characteristics are unique to us, or just some historical accident, is narcissistic and unhelpfully cynical.


strvgglecity t1_jcliyfv wrote

Unique? Why is reddit today absolutely chock full of people who make up shit in their own heads that I never said? I never said anything about being unique. I listed facts. An interstellar society would likely see us and say "no fucking way are we stepping in that shit show, we'll check back in 200 or 300 years".


fieryflamingfire t1_jclys18 wrote

So you're saying the negative aspects of humans are unique humans? an interstellar society wouldn't have the same negative traits, and would be surprised to see that we would? if that isn't what you're saying let me know, I dont want to put words in your mouth.

And I'm glad we're clarfiying, because my claim here is the exact opposite of yours: the negative aspects of human society are a result of evolutionary pressures, and any large scale society anywhere in the universe would develop similar negative traits assuming they went through a similar evolutionary trajectory.


strvgglecity t1_jclzb8w wrote

No evidence to support your hypothesis. It's made up out of thin air. I am saying any entities that achieve interstellar travel must be extremely advanced, far beyond the capabilities of a species that wages global wars on itself.


fieryflamingfire t1_jcvd2vz wrote

Lol, of course there isn't any evidence. We're talking about an extremely hypothetical scenario. Both of our positions lack empirical data. The difference is, my claim is descriptive, while yours is loaded with your own personal value judgements.

And my claim isn't that a species visiting earth is going to have the same problems / conflicts that humans do. It's that they wouldn't be surprised. Or, they would have probably gone through a similar development, making the same "mistakes".