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DopamineDeprivation t1_jdcqtrq wrote

He gets paid for actually revolutionizing things. Look at his stock incentives for Tesla. He put his fortune on the line for SpaceX. If his endeavors didn’t work, he wouldn’t be rich.


BookOfWords t1_jdcvv8l wrote

On projects paid for with public money, founded and developed by other, more talented people. They aren't 'his' endeavours, it isn't 'his' money and he doesn't dereve either to be acknowledged or rewarded to the extent that he has.


CommunismDoesntWork t1_jddagpj wrote

Stop spreading the lie that Elon didn't found Tesla and SpaceX. First, SpaceX was soley founded by Elon and he's been the CEO and chief engineer since inception.

Tesla was Co founded by 5 people. Elon musk and JB straubel were independently going to start an EV company using tech from AC propulsion. AC propulsion then introduced them to Mark and Martain because they wanted to do the same thing, and the 4 decided to team up and musk provided the initial funding for Tesla. Tesla was nothing but a piece of paper when they teamed up. The courts decided all of them get to call themselves founders because there's no hard and fast rule of what counts as being a founder.


Tschernoblyat t1_jddhrus wrote

No one gives a fuck who founded a company. That comment was about him basically being irrelevant to the inventions but still claiming them as his while sucking his own dick


cyberFluke t1_jddu64b wrote

I'm sorry, can you say that again? I can't hear you properly with that dick in your mouth.


CommunismDoesntWork t1_jddvzjp wrote

Stalin isn't going to suck your dick bro


orrk256 t1_jdeduwc wrote

What does Stalin have to do with anything? also could you stop sucking Elon cock while you explain?


CommunismDoesntWork t1_jdefd1g wrote

Can you stop sucking Marx cock for a second?


orrk256 t1_jdeqs0c wrote

Look, I can't help that the field of economics was founded by the commies of Germany and France.


[deleted] t1_jdcwkml wrote



justingod99 t1_jddqwox wrote

I’m guessing “Dat Sauce Tho” has done much better with his life.

Because using your metric, if you came from a lower-middle class or higher family you should be a millionaire. Are you?


DatSauceTho t1_jdfxwer wrote

Wtf are you even talking about? lol touch grass


justingod99 t1_jdg7njz wrote

I’m sorry you can’t understand my comment. After reading your “wEAlthY FaMilY” comment, I tried to make my response as simple as possible.

How about this…Your dad gives you a sports car. Are you now automatically a nascar or F1 champion? Simple enough for ya bud?

Errrrr…..I mean: “Elon sucks because he’s rich!!!! Upvote me!”


DatSauceTho t1_jdgh6us wrote

It is a little hard to understand you with Elon’s dick in your mouth. My bad.


justingod99 t1_jdh6btr wrote

Not sure what you mean. I don’t even like him.

Alas, unlike some people, my dislike for him doesn’t leave me oblivious to reality.


DatSauceTho t1_jdiczex wrote

>Not sure what you mean. I don’t even like him.

Could’ve fooled me.


CommunismDoesntWork t1_jddayh4 wrote

Define wealthy? His dad was an engineer and mom a regular model (not super model). That's upper middle class at best. "But the emerald mine" his dad invested $40k of his life savings on a 50% stake in a mine and doubled his money over 10 years which barely beats the stock market.


Isilmine t1_jddcxzd wrote

The problem I see with these Musk arguments on Reddit or elsewhere is that people involved choose to be very categorical. Truth, of course, is somewhere in between.

Is he a super genius visionary his disciples want us to think? No. But is he an absolute scum of the earth the other side insists? No, too.

He has his shortcomings, as we all do. But saying he’s the worst or being outraged by his actions is overreaction.

Even if he is a multimillionaires son, that’s usually not enough to succeed in life and become a billionaire he is. Or else there would be hell of a lot more billionaires in the world.


Zergzapper t1_jddo786 wrote

Well he kinda is scum of the earth, his sexual scandals show hes willing to use power to abuse other, his reaction when he didnt get to use his toys to save the kid trapped in cave was to call their ultimate rescuer a pedophile. He fired and made fun of someones disability on his biggest stage. He IS a shitty person period


6_oh_n8 t1_jddsbik wrote

Being a multimillionaire’s son is enough to succeed in life unfortunately. The rich are the scum of the earth


Isilmine t1_jdmrovp wrote

Well, being richness is relative. If rich are the scum of the earth, most Americans and Western Europeans can be safely called scum of the earth by Russians and Central Asians.

And by succeeding I mean multiplying inherited wealth. Turning millions into billions. Not as common as people think.


ValyrianJedi t1_jde3bvt wrote

If your dad's money was the only reason for your success then you wouldn't have 3,000x more money than your dad


Ishpersonguy t1_jde510v wrote

Spoken like someone who supports a system of which they have zero idea (and zero interest in learning anyway) how it actually functions.

You would have to be the biggest, most incompetent fucking buffoon to fail at that point, my guy.


ValyrianJedi t1_jde6u3z wrote

I have bachelors degrees in econ and business, a masters in, finance and a decade long career in finance, so I'm going to go out on a limb and say I understand how the system functions a hell of a lot better than you do.


orrk256 t1_jdeeho9 wrote

let me guess, you follow the Chicago school or it's derivations, because even the Kaynsians are adopting more and more "communist" ideas, because shocker, we have 50+ years to see this shit don't work as the neoliberal economists have said it would.


ValyrianJedi t1_jdei0rs wrote

Right. We have the highest GDP in the world, the 5th highest median income in the world (with all the countries avove us being a fraction of a fraction our size), the highest median disposable income in the world, are the business capital of the world, the finance capital of the world, and the tech capital of the world have half of the best schools in the world, have have half of the best hospitals in the world, but we totally haven't been doing good economically for the last 50+ years.


orrk256 t1_jdeqjtj wrote

And yet you have people dead because they froze to death, children who would go hungry if not for free school lunches, a poverty rate of over 30%, people living in cars while working. The world's largest prison population.

And to clear up some misunderstandings you seem to have, America generally ends up somewhere in the middle of global education standards, American Hospitals have worse outcomes compared to almost every other first world country, be it child death, or op/post-op complication, let alone the massive amount of people who can't afford basic medical attention.

It's nice to see you list off the great achievements of the wealthy, but that doesn't affect you, now does it?


ValyrianJedi t1_jder8io wrote

Oof... Don't know if you just get too much of your info from reddit comments or are living in some fantasy world, but there isn't any point trying to argue with someone who is that separated from reality so think that doozy is where I stop responding to you.


justingod99 t1_jdetic4 wrote

Good idea, his main Reddit community is an Antifa community.


justingod99 t1_jdeni39 wrote

Also biggest provider of worldwide aid and biggest military. These morons have no idea. (and I love the “but Finland” argument lol)

Since everyone on Reddit hates America and refutes any evidence provided, maybe they could take a look at how Japan was doing before and after the US completely rebuilt them based ENTIRELY on our democracy. (Of note: We rebuilt them right after they surprised attacked us, murdering 2,400).


Ishpersonguy t1_jdjc48q wrote

And lord knows that has always meant so much for actual qualifications. I wonder what degrees the congressman asking if TikTok "connects to the home wifi network" have?

I don't give a shit what degrees you have. You have a vested interest in benefiting from a system and zero interest in the people suffering from it. That makes you nobody.

Besides, we've all seen business majors, buddy. Nobody's impressed. Well, except y'all, evidently.


justingod99 t1_jddrf31 wrote

No one gets as successful as he is without some merit. It’s just a circle jerk of hate for him here. Just like anything republican or religious. I prefer balance, but people here just want a sounding board and absolutely go batshit crazy when someone disagrees or offers a different opinion. I got banned from TwoXChromosomes for disagreeing with a poster who said “every” man has a rape fantasy. 🤷🏻


justingod99 t1_jde2vor wrote

Case in point. Downvoted for preferring a balanced, nonpartisan analysis.


Enzo-chan t1_jdd2myu wrote

Idk Rick, I don't know if I can agree with this(the part of revolutionize), he did several good things and some of his products do work pretty well(and others don't like the Boring's Company Vegas Loop), but he didn't exactly "revolutionize" anything yet.

Take the car company for example, Tesla still uses lithium-ion batteries which is the norm for any EVs today, we don't see an exclusive formulae of new batteries for Tesla that can make the energy density 5x-10x bigger than conventional batteries.

FSD is still a worse driver than your average human driver, dunno if he'll manage to make it work perfectly before all the LiDARs, Radars + Cameras that are being put on other self-drivings approaches. If he pull that, then Tesla will have a revolutionary product, but I take Elon's claims with a heavy grain of salt.

Internet via satellites is cool, but still can't compare itself to the one provided by optic fibers, so not a game-changer.

Reusable rockets whistl a quite impressive feat, they're evolutionary at best, at least for now. Unless Starship manage to really make trips to LEO 100x cheaper, then in this case it'll be indeed an actual game changer.


Jasrek t1_jdd87gf wrote

> Internet via satellites is cool, but still can't compare itself to the one provided by optic fibers, so not a game-changer.

As someone whose family lives in a rural area, it absolutely is. The difference between Starlink internet and the crap they used to get from Viasat and other satellite internet companies is like going from dial-up to fiberoptic.

Not to mention use cases like natural disasters (it was used effectively in areas suffering forest fires, where internet lines were down or didn't reach those areas), underdeveloped countries, underdeveloped areas in developed countries, etc.

Heck, being able to use Starlink while traversing the ocean would be a game-changer in and of itself for freight, military, and passenger ships.


Organized_Riot t1_jddb3fs wrote

PayPal was pretty revolutionary. Also maybe Tesla didn't revolutionize electric cars but it definitely brought them into the mainstream, forcing other car companies to make more, newer electric models to compete. Also Tesla's open patent policy is pretty cool


CommunismDoesntWork t1_jddbke7 wrote

>Tesla still uses lithium-ion batteries which is the norm for any EVs today,

And unheard of like 6 years ago. Are we just going to pretend auto companies would have switched to EVs the way they are now if Tesla hadn't come along and started to eat their lunch? That's a revolution.

SpaceX revolutionized space if you were already in the space industry. For average people, we won't see the ramifications until starship, agreed, but everyone in the space industry felt the revolution that was 2015 when SpaceX landed the falcon 9 for the first time


Zergzapper t1_jddohwj wrote

I think theres an argument of pedantic happening here, people aren't saying those advancements arent good, they are saying they aren't being made by musk, the man has 19 patents with his name on it over his entire career. These ideas would happen without him