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BookOfWords t1_jdcvv8l wrote

On projects paid for with public money, founded and developed by other, more talented people. They aren't 'his' endeavours, it isn't 'his' money and he doesn't dereve either to be acknowledged or rewarded to the extent that he has.


CommunismDoesntWork t1_jddagpj wrote

Stop spreading the lie that Elon didn't found Tesla and SpaceX. First, SpaceX was soley founded by Elon and he's been the CEO and chief engineer since inception.

Tesla was Co founded by 5 people. Elon musk and JB straubel were independently going to start an EV company using tech from AC propulsion. AC propulsion then introduced them to Mark and Martain because they wanted to do the same thing, and the 4 decided to team up and musk provided the initial funding for Tesla. Tesla was nothing but a piece of paper when they teamed up. The courts decided all of them get to call themselves founders because there's no hard and fast rule of what counts as being a founder.


Tschernoblyat t1_jddhrus wrote

No one gives a fuck who founded a company. That comment was about him basically being irrelevant to the inventions but still claiming them as his while sucking his own dick


cyberFluke t1_jddu64b wrote

I'm sorry, can you say that again? I can't hear you properly with that dick in your mouth.


CommunismDoesntWork t1_jddvzjp wrote

Stalin isn't going to suck your dick bro


orrk256 t1_jdeduwc wrote

What does Stalin have to do with anything? also could you stop sucking Elon cock while you explain?


CommunismDoesntWork t1_jdefd1g wrote

Can you stop sucking Marx cock for a second?


orrk256 t1_jdeqs0c wrote

Look, I can't help that the field of economics was founded by the commies of Germany and France.