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ValyrianJedi t1_jdcwhfw wrote

I do similar... I have a consulting firm that helps tech and energy startups find VC funding. At this point the mellower the pitch is the more likely I am to bite. If I hear "our revolutionary ground breaking technology is going to change the way the entire industry works from the ground up!" I stop paying attention almost instantly. If I hear "we made this thing that can save everyone some money and operate more effectively than current options and think it can sell well" I'm all ears.


psychotobe t1_jdd5woi wrote

See that tells me that while you'll never be ultra rich. You'll also never completely torpedo yourself into the dirt like Elon and Zuckerberg are. Humans like dramatic and loud displays (gotta love that monkey in us). The people who'll be comfortable are ones who just look for the reasonable long term use tech.


ValyrianJedi t1_jdd6hp7 wrote

Eh, there is still truckloads of money to be made on companies that aren't trying to pretend like they are the most important thing to ever happen during their pitches.