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justingod99 t1_jddqwox wrote

I’m guessing “Dat Sauce Tho” has done much better with his life.

Because using your metric, if you came from a lower-middle class or higher family you should be a millionaire. Are you?


DatSauceTho t1_jdfxwer wrote

Wtf are you even talking about? lol touch grass


justingod99 t1_jdg7njz wrote

I’m sorry you can’t understand my comment. After reading your “wEAlthY FaMilY” comment, I tried to make my response as simple as possible.

How about this…Your dad gives you a sports car. Are you now automatically a nascar or F1 champion? Simple enough for ya bud?

Errrrr…..I mean: “Elon sucks because he’s rich!!!! Upvote me!”


DatSauceTho t1_jdgh6us wrote

It is a little hard to understand you with Elon’s dick in your mouth. My bad.


justingod99 t1_jdh6btr wrote

Not sure what you mean. I don’t even like him.

Alas, unlike some people, my dislike for him doesn’t leave me oblivious to reality.


DatSauceTho t1_jdiczex wrote

>Not sure what you mean. I don’t even like him.

Could’ve fooled me.