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duckduckohno t1_jd8arj5 wrote

FTA; the system is capable of producing 20 kW? The image in the article has 20 panels? I'm not aware of any 1kW panels on the market. 400W is pretty typical.

I wonder if there are battery packs that can supplement peak solar power and that's where they're getting that 20kW number


TristanTheViking t1_jd95llo wrote

Maybe they're counting the hydrogen generators in that number?

>The hydrogen can be stored in tanks and used to charge the batteries when they dip below 35%.


alpain t1_jdawzkk wrote

the website has this

> > How much solar power can the Sesame Solar Nanogrid produce?

> > Depending on the model, Sesame Solar Nanogrids can produce between 3 - 20 kW of solar power, with a total battery storage of 15 - 150 kWh and back fuel cell power of 2 - 8 kW and/or wind power of 1 -2 kW. Sesame Solar Solutions are engineered to meet peak and average use and provide uninterrupted, sustainable power. Hybrid models incorporating generators are also available.

> > How much power can a Nanogrid produce and store? > > > Nanogrids can produce between 3-20 kW of solar power, with total battery storage of 15-150 kWh. Engineered to meet peak and average use and provide uninterrupted, sustainable power.