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Defiant_Swann OP t1_iql03oj wrote

The example of birds and airplanes never get old. Airplanes can’t fly in the same way as birds, but better and without possessing the exact structure of a bird. AI algorithms as complex and powerful will be so good that they become better, not indistinguishable from the human sphere.


inkiwitch t1_iqlafur wrote

There’s no scenario where an AI can reach human level intelligence without being able to surpass it very soon after.

We as humans couldn’t even fathom a being capable of thinking with two human brains at once, let alone something that could utilize the entire knowledge and ugly chaos of the Internet.

I don’t think we’re even capable of imagining what a truly AI creation would do on its very first day of sentience so we absolutely have no way to prepare for it.


kmtrp t1_iqo1zye wrote

>AI creation would do on its very first day of sentience

Sentience, intelligence, agency, etc. are all different things. One doesn't automatically give you the other.


kaffefe t1_iqoggt8 wrote

Not in Hollywood!


kmtrp t1_iqr8ymx wrote

Sometimes I wonder if I should even bother trying to make those points; it seems pointless.


kaffefe t1_iqrcrtx wrote

I think it needs to be said. Reddit is clueless.


kmtrp t1_iqrfpkv wrote

Can you imagine how the massive shitstorm will break when these models actually become widely used?
I'm really excited about the potential for intelligent chatbots to effectively end loneliness for good, but... It's going to get nuts.

Imagine Q on steroids at an industrial scale.


just-cuz-i t1_iqljj8b wrote

An airplane is not “better” than a bird at flying. It is better at flying in one specific way of going a very long distance very fast and carrying a lot of extra weight. Similarly, AI will far exceed human capabilities in very specific and limited ways, like how a lever or pulley helps us exceed our physical capabilities.


showusyourbones t1_iqm4sxe wrote

But airplanes can’t get their own fuel like birds can get food. Humans have to provide the airplanes with energy. That’s a big part of why I think people shouldn’t be afraid of AI (though I totally understand why they are).


Kanton_ t1_iqler2a wrote

Better by what standards or rubric?