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Thatingles t1_iqn0rsz wrote

Nice work, this is super useful for small communities and a good example of how the developed nations can produce ideas to help the developing ones.


Pezdrake t1_iqph57b wrote

Puerto Rico could use this RIGHT NOW.


Bebilith t1_iqpc9de wrote

Not very efficient though. Mechanical losses will be high.

Ok for a drop in as an emergency or temporary solution.


bizzaro321 t1_iqpkib5 wrote

It’s not about efficiency; it’s about shifting reliance away from major providers. Efficiency wouldn’t matter if we had a distributed, renewable power grid.


Bebilith t1_iqpl4bi wrote

Oh don’t get me wrong. I think micro grid are definitely the way to go. I just this the ‘expensive’ electronic controller (as described in the article, not me) is a better fit for long term and efficiency.


iksbob t1_iqpszwi wrote

It sounds to me like they're suggesting grid-connection management devices (such as an inverter for a solar power installation) should all have a simple ad-hoc mode so that local grids can be patched together when faced with major infrastructure damage. It's not a replacement for organized infrastructure, but a minimalist system that can still load-manage when your infrastructure consists of nothing but extension cords.


Bebilith t1_iqqb6ca wrote

I reread the article. I missed that they mentioned a 155k/Mw controller. I was thinking a lot smaller scale when they mentioned micro grid.


halibutface t1_iqpqepi wrote

All the Territories, most islands and rural indigenous areas in Canada could use this as well, all of which are relying on diesel right now with not much of an actual plan to stop.


jimius t1_iqq9ss8 wrote

These ideas are also meant for the "developed" world. Large central fossil feul burning is on the way out. Local wind and solar is the future. The benefits of centralized energy production in terms of economies of scale make less sense in a renewable world.