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shawn_overlord t1_iqp8pcd wrote

ngl all i need from a social robot is the capacity to simulate moderate romantic love and I'll be more than happy


kittymoma918 t1_iqpdvft wrote

Those seem to be available from Robotix. But not at a low orice yet.

And I don't think that Elon Musk's proposed catgirl robot is happening any time soon!

His poor Optimus is pretty awkward and wobbly at this stage. But at least it has handl ike appendages. Xiaomi' Robotics Cyberone robot has something like clamps instead.


shawn_overlord t1_iqpeqbx wrote

eh science always move faster than you expect maybe they'll be out within a decade


kittymoma918 t1_iqpjl6k wrote

If Robotix gets their act together and lives up to their interview discussion, they might still get a more practical and better orice home companion out on the market first. The owner claims that they are going to incorporate some very basic mobility ,home skill and medical alert assistance into their next generation of A.I. Harmony ptiduction model's.

I don't think that most guys would mind their companion using a self recharging mobility base like the Sophia used to have to get around at home to clean .Make it useful like a Roomba and you're already halfway there.

When a big success moves a level up , someone smaller will be glad to fill that space. Hanson Robotics Sophia is going to be replaced with a new advanced version mass production model, by Machani Robotics , Project RIA.

It's always less expensive and easier to let soneone else do the year's of R&D and engineering to create the top of the line high end product. Then you just have to find a way to make a similar product cheaper and just different enough to not get sued for copyright infringement