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ComputersWantMeDead t1_iqyrs0k wrote

Reading that, it seems like it has a future, once we already have a surplus of energy to create it outside of the fossil fuel industry.

It does seem a bit pessimistic to write it off, just because we currently struggle with production and storage. Will be an interesting space to watch.


FrolfLarper t1_ir2dlxd wrote

I read something recently about some startups that were taking CO2 and hydrogen and processing them into liquid fuels. Obviously that adds cost but would be much easier to handle. Even just going to methane would make it a lot easier to use with existing infrastructure.


ComputersWantMeDead t1_ir2stir wrote

Yeah I can't see how, with current technology, hydrogen will ever be something we would seek to expand current usage.

But who knows. Maybe some metamaterials will make production, storage and transport easier.

I'm always interested in the technology that replicates photosynthesis - basically using quantum mechanics principles to split water. That could potentially change the equation on production if that process continues to improve.


HikeyBoi t1_ir11i2m wrote

Production of hydrogen is pretty well tied to solar production which is getting big (United States perspective). Couple that with the recent proliferation of natural gas turbines that are compatible with hydrogen blends. All that’s really missing is some minor Infrastructure at power plants and major national hub style geologic storage facilities tied into existing fuel pipelines.

I see this coming soon as a stepping stone to less reliance on fossil fuels. I am interested in other peoples thoughts too.