Submitted by NTR_Slayer t3_xvfejw in Futurology

I've been a social media users for about 10 years now, moving from twitter to facebook, instagram and finally here reddit along with youtube. I realised, the reasons that i got depression along with porn addiction and how my life and most of the victims of depression start to fall apart during my secondary and high school was because of using social media and youtube
i noticed that the twitter, facebook, youtube and especially tiktok AI tend to show the users news about dramas, school shootings and others inappropriate content to highschoolers or even tennagers to make us spend more time on the platform making most of us addicted to it, BUT for the tiktok AI it crossed the final line for me. It tend to show sexual content more often than most of the other platform with girls twerking, doing inappropriate things to get followers, views. when a kid see that they will get curious and watch it over and over again at the result more videos get suggested making an infinite loop of lust and depression. another the example was the tiktok trends.

All of the things above caused our generation the gen Z to dive in too deep of what called "the virtual world" always checking for new followers, new videos, new porns, stopping us from actual social communicate and face to face activities, causing hundred and thousands of people to get depression, to become criminals, homeless, to kill our selves
dragging us away from the real world, from what's actually matters to us our familes, our works, our studies and most of all our FUTURE
and since i started to notice that i deleted all of the social media apps on my phone and start working on what's actually important to me in the real world. After that all of my problems disappeared.
I'm writing this to ask for you guys opinion about this matters to see how those platform has affected to each other life. looking foward for the answer



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Scheme-Brilliant t1_ir0lt4h wrote

I'm more concerned with the right wing getting mainstreamed by these platforms, scams and radical ideology worry me far more then sex


[deleted] t1_ir1is5a wrote



MisterEHistory t1_ir2j2ni wrote

Everything you say is either not bad or not happening.

Turn off the Fox News and touch some grass.


Amethyst7834 t1_ir2nkjc wrote

Nice try i dont watch mainstream media. I watch independent news and I travel a LOT. Where do you get your "news"?


MisterEHistory t1_ir2zm4r wrote

Oh OK. Turn off Newsmax then. Your outsider media is lying to you and probably full of Russian disinformation.

You have no idea what schools are like. I am an actual teacher. You wouldn't last 5 minutes in my classroom.


Amethyst7834 t1_ir3f5vc wrote

I said I don't get my news from any of that crap. Did you just say "Russian" disinformation? Yea, you are def deep down that rabbit hole. Get out of that hole you are in and do some real research or are you really that blinded by your political bias? The only threat to society is not some idiots with a MAGA hat, it's leftist ideology, it's this 100 gender nonsense, wide open borders and defund the police utopian stupidity the democrats have adopted. Oh and this is coming from someone who used to vote democrat back in the day. Poor kids, you are probably one of those indoctrinating your students and the parents don't even know about it.


MisterEHistory t1_ir42kyx wrote

You think Newsmax is mainstream media. Quit sniffing the gorilla glue. Stop being an incel idiot and return to reality.

You wouldn't know actual leftist ideology if it stole your Candian girlfriend.

Go back to bragging about your stonks you mouth breathing troglodyte.


Amethyst7834 t1_ir4ao62 wrote

Yet most of your comment history is based off hating on republicans, criticizing the NRA, womens "rights", and to top it off you also mention disarming the police? Jesus, how are you allowed to even "teach" children. You are batshit insane.


MisterEHistory t1_ir4uvu0 wrote

Yea those are good things. You only think women shouldn't have rights because you are a bigot.

Do you ever wonder why you are so lonely?


Amethyst7834 t1_ir61cy2 wrote

Women are more free and have more rights in the WEST than any other country in the world or than any other time in history. Also, I've had plenty of women in my life (and still do) and thankfully am very succesful as well, nice try though.

The only one that seems to be bitter and mad here is you. Shouldn't you be planning the next biased, opinion piece of propaganda you are going to teach the students?


MisterEHistory t1_ir6qb7w wrote

If we listened to people like you women would still be property. The only thing you hate more than women is yourself.


Scheme-Brilliant t1_ir1sopl wrote

So you're a confused right-wing misogynist, parroting lies you've heard on the internet, there we are, thanks for providing me with an example of the insane radicalization I was talking about.


Amethyst7834 t1_ir227ci wrote

Yea everyone is a misogynist OR a racist if they dont agree with their mindset.


Scheme-Brilliant t1_ir25lde wrote

Your statement reproduced below is inherently sexist.

"Whos telling woman to empower themselves and poat naked or sleep with man as they please?"

The implication being that:

1 women should not be empowered, or even encouraged to have power.

2 someone besides the woman themselves should decide who they sleep with.

So you are saying women shouldn't even have the power to decide who enters their bodies.

I don't know how much more telling a statement can be.


[deleted] t1_ir1w4bf wrote



Scheme-Brilliant t1_ir2870n wrote

Really, left wing extremists? Shooting up schools and synagogues, churchesand nightclubs, parading around like nazis, yelling jews will not replace us?

Trying to overturn democratic elections, curtailing rights for women and minorities, rioting in the capital because their demagogue lost an election?

Any other fantasies you'd like to share?


trucky0 t1_ir2js2q wrote

When Obama uses facebook to win an election, the media herald it as the greatest social media campaign ever. When Trump does exactly the same thing, the media blame Russians for spreading misinformation. And I think everyone knows Biden didn't actually get that many votes. I vote Green by the way.


Scheme-Brilliant t1_ir2v44i wrote

Not a single disputed county state or election district has found any evidence of vote tampering, rigging or election fraud, despite a number of false allegation and lawsuits by Trump or the GOP.

So I think anyone who's informed and investigating the election thinks there are any issues with the number of votes Biden received.

Trump garnered support by using all media to spread lies and hate. He used all the pent up anger and frustration and channeled it into a nationalistic myth setting people against each using racism, misogyny, antisemitism and homophobia and transphobia.

Obama sold a fantasy of a better world and didn't encourage political violence, he was ineffective as a progressive but he wasn't a hate monger


[deleted] t1_ir6k6vn wrote



Scheme-Brilliant t1_ir6oj6z wrote

Evidence of voter fraud doesn't exist, if it did why wasn't it used in any of the cases?

Lost every case because they had no evidence.

If you have any please share it.

Voter I'd is not necessary, it has been shown repeatedly that all that does is disenfranchise poor voters.

Trump is not a good diplomat, neither is Biden, but Trump doesn't thunk through policy he just acts, not a good style.

Again gop and Trump speak hate and work with literal fascists, nazis and hate groups, Trump encourages political violence, this is radically anti democratic.

My evidence for this is his speeches, tweets and policies.

Show me what you're talking about, any of it.


[deleted] t1_iraojw6 wrote



Scheme-Brilliant t1_iravqv1 wrote

What's more likely, the person who had the most votes won, in a contented election, which has a number of ways of verifying the count, an election which was legally challenged and yet still Biden was found to have won.

Or Trump won, but there's no evidence because trucks?

No idea about pipelines, not privy to any information that I can use to as evidence one way or another.

There's no evidence for any of what you're saying beyond, trust me bro.


Torrall t1_ir0lwsg wrote

No more so than humans have been doing to themselves with strict and often violent social structures. Gen Z seems more in touch with the problems of the world than my generation did (millennial) though part of that is because of older generations also getting more involved. This is a personal problem.


Over_Tone3961 t1_ir98n6v wrote

They should be more involved because they and later generations will be the one to pick up the astronomically large tab left from Boomers, Gen X and Milennials. We are kicking the economic can down the road and eventually somebody has to pay for it.


Torrall t1_ira750v wrote

Nope, YOU are kicking the can down the road. I know a shit ton of gen z and millennials, like myself, that volunteer politically regularly.


azuth89 t1_ir0l0lc wrote

The TikTok AI aggressively pushes what you interact with. If you're seeing a lot of sexual content it's because you're watching it when it pops up or otherwise interacting with it.


KDamage t1_ir0oahy wrote

It's right, but two details are missing :

  • Tiktok, like every social platform lead by an algo, starts your suggestion algo with a "user profile estimation", as at first it doesn't know you. I made the experience, and for 40 minutes straight on my new (and first) Tiktok account, I couldn't stop receiving videos about fights, guns, military, while I'm absolutely not being interested in these topics and never really watched vids about it in other apps. It just estimated that I should be interested in it because of other people in my age, ethnicity and region. Question is : Why focusing on such violent topics ? Not all my demographic is focused on it, there are an infinite amount of other potential centers of interest.

  • re : because you're watching it. A classic human behaviour is to stare into the abyss, instead of looking elsewhere. That's even how most user engagement methods actually work to keep attention, even if the topic is undesired (news mainly). Second question is : It's a very well known syndrome, why most social medias keep capitalizing on it while there are tons of studies correlating social media use with depression ? They should be held responsible of what they deliver, not their users more primitive brain regions. It's like saying to someone suffering depression "Well just stop being depressed".


Rauleigh t1_ir1ckc3 wrote

Yeah pornography and sexual content isn't inherently bad for young people but the lack of consciousness a the way social media skews young people's perception of reality is, including sexuality. I didn't spend a whole lot of time on social media when I was younger but I still got a lot of my assumptions about how to think about the world and people from media, which has been a struggle to unlearn having realized it is the source of a lot of anxiety and a factor in depression.

Humans are highly adaptive and dynamic animals. The vast majority of our physiology and intelligence evolved in dynamic 3d, social and ecological environments. The shift from a multi sensory engaging lifestyle or even just leisure experiences to almost exclusively audio visual experience, that also disrupts your bodies ability to properly sleep has got to have a negative effect on your mental health.

The pandemic was like a huge experiment in the highly virtual lifestyle and for a lot of people it was horrendous, and it's already showing significant negative impact on children. I have friends who work with kids and across younger age groups the kids struggle to think creatively for how to engage themselves, show decreased social skills and emotional management.

The speed that technology is developing is amazing, what's possible is increasing exponentially in the digital sphere. It's just that living human beings, our bodies and minds can't adapt fast enough to keep up without a cost.


KDamage t1_ir1wj2i wrote

Completely agree. It would take a lot of posts for me to explain in details, but I think AI, when it will be far more used in our personal digital recommandations (curating, filtering based on each individual sensibilities) will fix this. We're still in the industrial, massive content, non curated content age. Human moderation doesn't fit anymore.


Rauleigh t1_ir1zjpz wrote

You think curation will be the thing to improve it? O are you talking about algorithms that do the moderation for u?


KDamage t1_ir21mul wrote

curation based on insane levels of personlization, precisely (think brain signal levels of personlization). Indeed such levels of data collection can, and will be used badly for some companies, but there will be so many types of personalizations commercially available (as many as there will be types of AIs) that I think we will have the choice between toxic ones and extremely satisfying ones.


Amisarth t1_ir0r4ht wrote

I have a hard time believing you’re gen z but regardless, these things are always being said. Every generation has somebody trying to blame technology for “corrupting the youths.”

Corruption is code for “things I think are bad.” They aren’t bad. It’s always just been a simulacra of whats bad. A thought, a book, a cassette, a game, a “trend.” None of it has ever been real and none of it has ever posed a real threat.

However, there is a real threat. And that’s the media that keeps trying to encourage you to believe there’s always a threat looming over you. Some of it is unintentional like when the news reports a murder and everyone mistakenly thinks crime is rising because the news only reports on high profile events. Other times it’s very intentional and it exists to trick you into being angry and afraid.

And that serves to distract you when they take away your rights and protections. When they fool you into believing that immigrants are taking your jobs, what they’re really doing is galvanizing a group of people to vote a certain way so that their intended winner gets payed, the media outlet gets payed, and all their rich buddies get tax breaks.

And other ways they distract you is NyQuil chicken, twerking corrupting our youths, “nobody wants to work!,” quiet quitting, youth today are soft/weak/lazy.

None of it was ever true and it was all just to distract you. And the vast majority of depression comes from a society that has beaten us into believing that this is they way things are supposed to be. I’m supposed to have a meaningless job so I can barely survive. I’m meant to be alone. The cost of healthcare is just how it is. That’s a regular number of school shootings. Not everyone gets to have a fulfilling career and that’s normal and okay.

It’s all a lie. These are the real problems that some of the media doesn’t want you to think about. Because if you do, you won’t vote for their chosen shill.


ImperatorScientia t1_ir55n80 wrote

Ah, yes. The ol’ “people have been complaining for a while so a problem must not really exist” approach. Perhaps I should employ the same strategy to climate change, for example? Fact of the matter is social media poses a demonstrable harm to people in ways than have actually never existed before the 21st century. Even the OG developers, who claim to prevent their own children from using the platforms, say so.

Refusing to see the problems doesn’t make you wiser than the rest, I’m afraid.


Amisarth t1_ir6h371 wrote

I don’t think that social media isn’t problematic. I think it’s been used as a tool to distract people from bigger issues by inflating it’s importance.

I also think social media is used as a coping mechanism when better coping mechanisms haven’t been learned. Social media is a tool and it can be used in a healthy and an unhealthy way. Granted, developers create these platforms to take advantage of our vulnerabilities, we should learn how to responsibly use these tools. And simple education is likely enough to mitigate the vast majority of issues relating to it.


trash_burner12 t1_ir0lewd wrote

The problem is more generally a culture of just releasing new technology without caring much for the repercussions because that's the way the economic winds blow.

On the internet, companies are competing for your attention because that's money, they'll try to tap any emotional button to get it.

Would the younger generation be better off spending less time on social media? Yeah, I think that's pretty much common knowledge now.


ryclarky t1_ir1v8f1 wrote

Yes this. Corruption implies intent. There's no mastermind behind what you/we/they are being fed by the algorithms other than what facilitates engagement and generates revenue.

But it seems to me we're all worse off for it. Sure there is some great content out there, but the masses seem to want and consume the garbage for the most part.


PandaCommando69 t1_ir0msdh wrote

It's not "girls twerking" that's the problem (that's intellectually lazy and a standard misogynist talking point). The actual problem is that human attention has been monetized (by corporations), and manipulated by bad actors (trolls and bots). It turns out the manipulating people's attention for money/ideology has some negative side effects (for them and society). Good call on avoiding social media though-- you'll avoid a lot of manipulative BS that way.


Amethyst7834 t1_ir1i5hh wrote

If you think half naked women twerking is not detrimental for society and the young folks idk what to tell yoi, common sense is missing there. Truth is social media is killing Western society, period. I also believe this was done by design, not simply by being a biproduct of the times.


Fresh720 t1_ir2nbxq wrote

The youth don't really have a place to socialize anymore outside of school. It used to be the mall, but those are mostly on their last legs, so online gaming and social media fill that missing third place. The only reason why social media got as big as it did was because we destroyed everything of value outside of it


eqleriq t1_ir2014e wrote

its just prepping you for whatever Vr/metaverse becomes: the people wasting time on social media "because they have no choice" will happily opt in to the next version of it, and money will flow to it.

Just don't use social media as much.

Addicted? Get professional help.

Going on social media to talk about how social media is a scourge seems counterproductive, no?


NTR_Slayer OP t1_irngckt wrote

I want to have a discussion about this problem and the quickest way is to use the social media platform itself .I’m not saying social media is bad but the company that develop the AI and the way they use the social media itself to get money while not caring about the consequences on the young generation, are the ones wrong There Was good benefits to us when using the social media but it was wiped out by the bad affection once those companies decided to get as much profit from it no matter the consequences By the way there’s no professional help for getting off social media addiction, maybe mental health kind of care was the thing but it’s not on the entire category itself


therealfatmike t1_ir0kb6v wrote

TWERKING!!! Relax buddy, plenty of people are fine and this stuff has always been around in one form or the other.


NTR_Slayer OP t1_irnigag wrote

And you have just point out what im trying to say When you say people what age group are you referring? 20,18,15 or even 10yo? These social media companies normalized sexual content for youngsters, therefore driving into its addiction Have you ever wondered why those girl’s on OF made shit ton of money? It’s because they has billions of potential users out there ready to be driven into addiction by those companies, have you ever tried to go to a secondary schools and ask some 12-15 yo what’s twerking is? I bet they would know what it is


therealfatmike t1_iro09lb wrote

Just like Elvis Presley corrupted the youth with those hips. We're all doomed because everyone can't control themselves due to some butts.


skrivbords t1_ir0qonr wrote

This is 100% the platforms fault for hosting and suggesting inappropriate content. These companies and their content creators get rewarded for the wrong thing, (time spent on platform watching). They use the "uncontrollable AI" as an excuse to not take responsibility for sufficient moderation or abide by the law. TikTok should be 18+ only.


MisterEHistory t1_ir2is40 wrote

Well it didn't correct all your problems.

You still can't write a grammatically correct paragraph.


NTR_Slayer OP t1_irndfsq wrote

Welp im new to this and moreover I was trying to make a discussion, a talk to the community to make it more like im talking to you than making a thesis


MisterEHistory t1_irnt4k3 wrote

You are new to writing English?


NTR_Slayer OP t1_irqoao7 wrote

No i have written many i was trying to find a proper way for my posts to be more approachable and make it sound like I’m talking to you I said it previously


MisterEHistory t1_irquvfx wrote

Ok. Not to be mean then but if this is how you talk, it would make people think that you have brain damage.


NTR_Slayer OP t1_irqx0g2 wrote

Welp it’s up to you and the community decide, and if you want a roast battle then I’m on lmao


Seaborgg t1_ir0n55h wrote

You are right I think. I think the worst thing is that it's not even a consequence that these companies want, the company may be aware it is happening but they care very little about any of it.I myself am trying to avoid these things. I watched a video that summed up these things as front loaded with dopamine making them very tempting to do but the satisfaction is low and short lived.

I think there is no closing the box on these things we have to make our selves aware of these things and choose not to interact with it.


Mokebe890 t1_ir0q2ea wrote

Ok bro but I want digital world and metaverse (not from meta) what now? I was depressed and anxious before, use only Instagram Reddit and YouTube and Im totally can't wait for digital world to be as important as real world. Or even transfer my brain from real to digital.


NTR_Slayer OP t1_irnj4rz wrote

Tranfer your brain to the digital world now that’s a different thing because you’re actually living inside that world. But you’re also leaving behind what’s actually matter to your life, families, dreams, the changes that you actually made to the real world to live inside a 1-0 code, it’s matter that you’re existing and know that you’re existing than living on a artificial dream


Mokebe890 t1_irnlmiv wrote

You can possibly enchance your brain to be constantly plugged into digital world not only normal one. Its matter of perspective. If you live 100% in digital world then digital world is your real word, its just created by humans. Something like perfect simulation. Maybe our universe is acutally a perfect simulation.

So honestly its very hard to tell. For me best is to merge both world into one but only time will tell. Anyway I dont see why it corrupt young generation?


NTR_Slayer OP t1_irqoj19 wrote

Bruh just keep reading the discussion in the comments and you’ll see, maybe you just haven’t see it or maybe you just don’t care This is a big problem and it need to be solved. Do your research and you’ll see


Mokebe890 t1_irque0t wrote

Do your research - red flag. Im well aware of problems that social media and internet can bring, but that's just one part of the coin.

The problems must be adressed but overall its wonderfull thing and developing virtual worlds is our advancment as species. As I said before, best thing is to merge both worlds like extremly advanced AR but I don't see the problem with virtual worlds and living virtual life.

Or maybe you adress agressive tiktok algorithms then okay they must be controlled.


NTR_Slayer OP t1_irqx5fm wrote

Yeah I’m only addressing tiktok and other platforms AI


SomeTimeBeforeNever t1_ir0rxks wrote

There are both conscious and subconscious impacts on the factors that influence decision making and behavior in the brain. People are being changed in ways they aren’t aware by consuming content online and it’s astonishing these social media algorithms weren’t regulated by philosophers and behavioralists to ensure the stability of the state and our quality of life isn’t undermined.


apicap t1_ir2co14 wrote

widespread broadband internet access is very new, we're in a time where new tech comes out faster and faster and is implemented at huge scales without an understanding of the potential consequences on society


NotMimir t1_ir3ba7a wrote

Yes these platforms are “optimizing” KPI- IE how do I keep people on my platform as long as possible so I can deliver ads and we’ll stay in business

The “decaying of mental health” and well “tide pod generation” is an (hopefully) unintended consequence of the above.

Probably billions has been dumped into Psychology and biological research to get people “hooked”


TheGlaude t1_ir50iq3 wrote

You missed the most important part, others of your age aren't as addicted as you, why is that?

Simply because you made a bad usage of it and you try to blame that instead of yourself, and you can't accept your responsibility.

It's easier to find a culprit than doing a true assessment of the situation.

If it was 1980, you'd have find another ways.


NTR_Slayer OP t1_irney5y wrote

Welp maybe the people around you was more socially interacted or maybe have been used to the daily usage of the social media cause in my community literally everyone use the social media from 5-10h daily girls posting everything they do on Facebook, let their life based on followers and a good picture and they are more likely to cheat more often after i’ve known plenty. the dudes they often tend look at hot girls online and watch porn rather than go out exercise, study and improve themselves. I have seen actual affection of what the social media did to the people around me and maybe your community was more healthy than mine or maybe you just haven’t notice


WiseChoices t1_ir0l1cw wrote

I certainly agree. It is an entire generation and this is what they have in common.

No one is addressing this.

There's no solution.

Is the damage permanent? Time will tell.

Keep sharing the information!