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HanzJWermhat t1_ir3etj7 wrote

Ummm ok? My shit don’t vest for a couple years anyway plus I seen no threat to the underlying business model on my products. I ain’t fazed.


gigahydra t1_ir3fq9s wrote

Ok, so then not Facebook, not Netflix, not Apple (tough to manufacture phones in China right now, no?), so your either Google and trying to figure out that you don't need money for fun, or Microsoft, which somehow failed to predict the iPhone. Good luck with that.


HanzJWermhat t1_ir3gl3r wrote

Oh man so thankful for your deep wise technological analysis I’m shaking in my boots. Oh Nostradamus of investing please speak to me your insights of where I should invest my money and capital to survie the upcoming tech apocalypse


gigahydra t1_ir3h8wi wrote

Look, your options haven't vested yet - I get it. Change is hard. The industry will be so much better when fat is cut.