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FuturologyBot t1_ir4k7wx wrote

The following submission statement was provided by /u/izumi3682:

Submission statement from OP. Note: This submission statement "locks in" after about 30 minutes, and can no longer be edited. Please refer to my statement they link, which I can continue to edit. I often edit my submission statement, sometimes for the next few days if needs must. There is often required additional grammatical editing and additional added detail.

This appears to be a fairly significant breakthrough for silicon based logic gate quantum computing.

From the article.

>A team of researchers with the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney has achieved a breakthrough in spin qubit coherence times(opens in new tab). The research took advantage of the team’s previous work on so-called “dressed” qubits - qubits constantly under the effect of an electromagnetic field shielding them from interference. In addition, the researchers leveraged a newly-designed protocol, SMART,(opens in new tab) which leverages the increased coherence times to allow individual qubits to be safely coaxed to perform the required computations.

Important takeaway.

>The UNSW researchers’ efforts have shown that groups of qubits can be controlled through a single, microwave-based magnetic source. In contrast, applying an electronically-controlled magnetic field can better control individual qubits. According to the researchers, the SMART protocol leverages a potential path for full-scale quantum computers.

>“We have shown a simple and elegant way to control all qubits at once that also comes with a better performance,” says Dr. Henry Yang(opens in new tab), one of the senior researchers on the team.

My take is this. Humans don't give up on anything. I see so much pessimism here that this or that is not going to be possible for decades, maybe centuries, maybe ever. The reality doesn't work like that. Humans will, in the words of the late great Norman Schwarzkopf, in answer to the question from a reporter during Operation Desert Storm about how he was going to proceed when he asked Schwarzkopf; "Are you going to make a main thrust through their lines?" And Schwarzkopf answered him, and I may be misremembering the quote precisely, but he said something like this.

"We are going to going to go through, over, under, around, any which way we can to achieve our military objective."

Well, that is how humans are in our efforts to develop our technology, especially our computing and AI technology as fast as we possibly can. And make no mistake. This is not an "AI winter" issue any longer. Now it is a matter of national security and probably economic supremacy for the USA, China (PRC) and yes, Russia.

I see that the most profound and impactful developments in quantum computing seem to mostly come from UNSW. And I am truly grateful for their efforts. I wonder why the US quantum computing efforts aren't as fruitful.

But in any case, it is not just computing/AI alone. It is the exploitation of said computing/AI to make level 5 autonomy vehicles. It is the exploitation of said computing/AI that will make bipedal humanoid robots that will be difficult to tell from living humans, until you are up "pretty close", within the next ten years. It is the exploitation of said computing that could produce an AI that might be able to solve the politico-economic and yes technological puzzles and problems that bedevil mankind to this day. In less than ten years.

I have great faith in our scientists, engineers and technologists that they can solve all of our problems, in maybe the next 20 years, but mostly within the next ten years. I put it like this in a comment from 2017. A technological lifetime ago.

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