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just1monkey t1_ir8pziy wrote

Thanks! I did like the remote ancillary support structures design of ITER, which means that anyone with bad intentions would need to figure out how to keep the reaction going and keep the tritium flowing in particular. The latter part seems very hard to surmount, but I’d guess that tech improvements that actually let us run fusion with energy gain would also help with “hacks” to both of these for bad actors.

What are your thoughts on this article, written by someone who worked for decades on the Princeton fusion project, which notes in particular the danger of neutron radiation (which seems to erode the very structures intended to keep it contained and protected over time)?

EDIT: Found this!, wherein we are testing out how bad neutron radiation can fuck shit up! Damn!

Also, I admitted at some point that it’s been years since I looked at any of this stuff, and will admit now that I’m about two levels below layman on the topic. Also, I absolutely do not mean to offend anyone or make anyone feel bad (at least not too much if I can help it), but my suspiciousness hackles really get raised when people shut down what seem to be reasonable questions with fanatic fervor. That type of reaction always makes me suspect that there’s some sort of bullshit shield being put up.