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Sir_Osis_of_Liver t1_ir9zeye wrote

Your first point is almost universally glossed over in reporting, especially in the big media outlets.

I always get a chuckle out of these articles. We've been building fission reactors for almost 70 years and can't build them economically, and they just use hot sticks to heat water.

Now they're working on suspending a plasma stream using super conductors and magnets, then somehow extract the energy to heat water. Even if they get to the point of having a stable, sustainable reaction, the economics are going to be terrible.


dewafelbakkers t1_irao5r7 wrote

This is the point that always gets me. So many people in the solar and wind for some reason also support fusion. But when it comes to conversations about fission, it's too time consuming to build, it's too expensive, the supply chain isn't there, it's too complicated, etc.

But then in the next breath it's all about how.excited they are for fusion.

Its like, friend, how fast and cheap do you think think massive centralized fusion plants are going to be when they are commercially viable (in 2075. Or 2100)