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DireMacrophage t1_ira4rbd wrote

This...actually sounds super interesting. I'm saving the link for when I sober up.

Though to be honest, I'm just looking at taking out my frustration. See, I love Capitalism. REAL Capitalism. Maybe it was listening to Humphy Bogart's speech in "Sabrina" when I watched it as a kid. Maybe it was having parents who were working-middle-class.

Because the concept of privilege, that is, "private law" [literal translation] is fucking wrong. Beyond that, mechanisms that keep the rich rich, and the poor poor, are also wrong. Both are a violation of capitalism.


Anyhoo I'm done. If I feel further on this topic I'll post in some other forum. Ignore me!


shanoshamanizum OP t1_ira4ywe wrote

Hey, no worries. We all have our attachments but there is only constant thing in this world and this is change. So we will embrace it naturally as it always happened. Evolution.


DireMacrophage t1_iraj53u wrote

I like to think there is more than change. When it comes down to it, the core of who I am is the same, but the "outside" has changed, and will continue to change. Not my physical self, but how I interact with people. My personality. I hope to become a better person. As per my own standards of what that is.

Anyway, these sorts of economics discussions strikes something deep inside me, about how I interact with other people. Nothing to do with money or anything so stupid/trivial.

Real wealth is something far more valuable. I need to call my grandmother.