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Thorainger t1_irbkbf8 wrote

He basically asked the same thing I did. In the same way that I did. But I'm pretending it's a war. Okay.

They already exist? Sweet. How much are they? Give me a link.

I'm seeing totalitarianism in implementing a cash-less system where nobody does anything for profit before we get rid of the problem of scarcity.

If it's all voluntary, there's no way that everyone will agree to this. The only way something like this can even begin to work is if it's implemented on everyone. That's not completely voluntary.

Also, "Everyone is connected anonymously to prevent forming of alliances and cartels." People like making alliances. Good things come out of alliances. Preventing people from engaging in them is a form of totalitarianism.

Your problem was linking the anarchist literature; kind of giving away the game there if you want to fall back to, "Bruh, it's just a game."

Last time I checked, not everyone pays rent, and that's not the only thing people do with their time. "how we used to do things only for paper and digits."

Get some better arguments and stop being dishonest.

PS: I'm serious about the bots that already exist that can do as good a job as all the menial jobs that exist. Put up or shut up.


shanoshamanizum OP t1_irbl0ff wrote

Now he got mad. Sorry pal, not playing your war games.


Thorainger t1_irc0tsy wrote

Fair enough. I wouldn't want to have to post links to things that don't exist, either. Have a good day, sir.