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unmondeparfait t1_irscsp6 wrote

"Without slavery we never would have built the pyramids! Why do you want to destroy society? We'll all be living in filth if we don't have slaves, you dummy!"


dog_superiority t1_irse6na wrote

First of all, slaves were not use to build the pyramids.

Secondly, slaves make an economy worse not better. That is why the south was much more poor than the north in the US in the 1800s.

So while slaves are NOT helpful to society, money is DAMN useful to society. We should therefore keep money and ban slavery.


unmondeparfait t1_irsf4xs wrote

>First of all, slaves were not use to build the pyramids.

I know, that was part of the bit.

>Secondly, slaves make an economy worse not better. That is why the south was much more poor than the north in the US in the 1800s.

If your only argument against slavery is that it's financially unviable (which you're completely making up, but we'll take it as true for your benefit), then there's really no reason to eschew anything that's profitable.

Also yeah, slavery is still incredibly profitable. Happens to this day.


dog_superiority t1_irsgb8w wrote

I'm not making that up, BTW. It's been studied a lot. It may be profitable to the person holding the slave, but not to society.

And that is not my only reason. Or even the primary one. The primary reason slavery should be banned is that it infringes on rights. Money does not infringe on rights.